1. Install the service for the Trap Adapter on both the Active (Host A) and Standby (Host B) servers using the following command:


                   ./sm_service install --force  --unmanaged  --startmode=runonce \
                   '--name=ic-trapd-receiver' \
                   '--description=EMC Smarts SNMP Trap Adapter' \
    						/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_trapd' \
                   '--name=TRAP-INCHARGE-OI' \
                   '--server=INCHARGE-OI' \
                   '--config=icoi' \
                   '--port=2340' \ 
                   '--model=sm_actions' \
                   '--rules=icoi-trapd/trap_mgr_parse.asl' \
                   '--seed=seedfile' \
  2. Configure the Active and Standby Trap Exploders to forward traps to Active and Standby Trap Adapters. “Configure trap forwarding to Active and Standby Trap Adapters” on page 51provides this information.