To configure aggregate alarms:

  1. At ASAM_BASEDIR/smarts/bin, enter the following command:

    sm_edit conf/alcatel-sam/AggregateAlarms.conf 
  2. Edit the alarm, using the following format:

    AggregateAlarm { alarm-alarmName-alarmType-alarmProbableCause <another alarm> <another alarm> } 

    The following is an example AggregateAlarms.conf file:

    # This file is where aggregate alarms are configured.
    # The file syntax is as follows:
    # aggregate-alarm { alarm1 alarm2 alarm3 }
    #   ^                 ^      ^      ^
    #   |                 \      |      /
    # The aggregate alarm  \     |     /
    #   created in OI       \    |    /
    #                        \   |   /
    #                         \  |  /
    #                      aggregating 5620 alarms
    # The aggregating alarms can be on multiple lines like so:
    # aggregate-alarm { 
    # alarm1
    #  alarm2
    # alarm3
    #   alarm4 }
    # The '#' character denotes a commented line. Anything on the
    # line after the comment is ignored so aggregates can be
    # created like so:
    # aggregate-alarm { alarm-1-2-3 # an example 5620 alarm
    #     alarm-2-3-4 # an example 5620 alarm
    #      }
    # Alarms are of the form alarm-alarmName-alarmType-
    # alarmProbableCause
    # They can also be configured without alarmType and/or
    # alarmProbableCause.
    # This is useful to aggregate alarms based simply on the
    # alarmName.
    # A test aggregate. Will form if any of the four 5620 test
    # alarms are seen.
    # The alarmType and alarmProbableCause are ignored; only the
    # alarmName is used
    5620TestAggregate { alarm-15-- 