
This exercise should be performed on a test version of a Global Manager. Before starting this exercise, back up the repository on the test Global Manager.

The dynamic model enhancements must be loaded into the Global Manager. Otherwise, the Global Manager has no awareness of the new SM_SerialNumber attribute of the Router class.

Typically, the model that is loaded into a Global Manager contains only those attributes that are needed to identify the object in the topology. The values of these types of attributes, such as model number and serial number, are not polled by the underlying Domain Manager.

In addition, the Global Manager model does not contain any events or problems. If your dynamic model contains events or problems, remove the events after you copy the original .mdl file to the Service Assurance Manager’s BASEDIR/smarts/local/modeldirectory. Then recompile the edited .mdl file (by using dynmodel) to create the .ldm file.

In this example, only an attribute is added to the Router class. You do not have to remove the events or problems before recompiling the file.

To compile and load the dynamic model into the Global Manager:

  1. Copy Example2.mdlfrom the test IP Manager’s BASEDIR/smarts/local/modeldirectoryto the test Service Assurance Manager’s BASEDIR/smarts/local/modeldirectory.

  2. From the Service Assurance Manager’s BASEDIR/smarts/local/model directory, run the following commands to compile the Example2.mdl model file:

                   /smarts/bin/dynmodel Example2.mdl
  3. Load the compiled dynamic model file into the test Global Manager.

                   /smarts/bin/sm_server -n TEST_SA -c ics
                   --broker=localhost:426 --output --dynamics

    This example registers TEST_SA with the Broker that is running on the host named “localhost” and port 426. Substitute the host and port of your Broker if they are different.