In this exercise, the Network-Resource Manager polls an additional attribute that measures the performance of the Ethernet connection with a Router.
The Network-Resource Manager uses instances of designated instrumentation classes to hold the polled attributes, in order to abstract the instrumentation details between device models. These instances are in relationship with the object representing the device, which is where the event logic is defined. The event logic may depend on comparison with thresholds, which are stored in setting objects.
The instrumentation class that you need to refine can be determined from the oid2type_*.conf files. In this example, the OID for a Router appears in the oid2type_Cisco.conf file.
The TS_locIfInOverrun variable is instrumenting the performance of an Ethernet connection. To determine the instrumentation class, locate Interface-Ethernet-Performance under INSTRUMENTATION.
. {
TYPE = Router
VENDOR = Cisco
MODEL = 2621XM
CONT = Cisco-Router
NEIGHBOR = Cisco-Cdp
HEALTH = Cisco-Router
Card-Fault = OldCiscoChassis
Environment = CiscoEnvMon:DeviceID
CPU/Memory = CiscoRouter:DeviceID
Interface-Fault = MIB2
Interface-Performance = CiscoRouter
Interface-Ethernet-Performance = CiscoRouter_Ethernet
The name of the instrumentation class to refine is obtained by concatenating “Interface_Performance_” with the string associated with the Interface-Ethernet-Performance instrumentation type. The string CiscoRouter_Ethernet is associated with the Interface-Ethernet-Performance instrumentation type. Therefore, the name of the instrumentation class is Interface_Performance_CiscoRouter_Ethernet.