The NAS Connectivity map shows logical connectivity between NAS FileServer elements and NAS Host elements. No physical connectivity details are included in this map. See GUID-A350F784-8D26-48FC-88AF-D5B9CA64A6CD.html#GUID-A350F784-8D26-48FC-88AF-D5B9CA64A6CD___IP_CONCEPTS_NAS_38378 for an example.

The initial layout of a NAS Connectivity map depends on the element that you select to launch the map. The edge marked with a + (plus) sign indicates that the edge can be expanded to show hidden MountPoints.

Selecting a NAS element results in an initial layout that centers around the selected element (also known as the map’s focal object) and shows the relationships to all elements within one hop of the selected element. Expanding the expandable nodes and edges reveals additional relationships and elements and eventually ends in a fully expanded map.