The TM_USEAUTONAME option in the name-resolver.conf file enables you to configure the Name Resolution probe to automatically resolve system names by using the naming sources in the order that you specify. By default, the Name Resolution probe attempts to resolve system names by using the naming-source sequence that is shown in Default order of naming sources when determining a system’s name.

Figure 1. Default order of naming sources when determining a system’s name

The DiscoveryAddrPref parameter in the discovery.conf file influences in the following way how the Name Resolution probe automatically names a system:

Determines whether the preferred loopback IP address, public IP address, private IP address, or SNMP agent IP address is IPv6 or IPv4.

By default, DiscoveryAddrPref is set to IPV6FIRST_IPV4NEXT. Also, in IPv6 terminology, a “public IP address” is referred to as a “global unicast IP address.”