Certain systems, such as desktop computers or printers, do not usually support SNMP. The discovery process assumes that a system supports SNMP. If a system does not support SNMP, the system is either not discovered or is placed on the Pending Devices list with a description that the SNMP request failed.

By default, systems that are found by autodiscovery and that do not support SNMP are removed from the discovery queue. Systems that are imported from a seed file, or added through the Add Agent command, that do not support SNMP are always added to the Pending Devices list.

If you want to include autodiscovered, non-SNMP systems in the modeled topology, set the value of the ShowPendingNONSNMP parameter to TRUE in the discovery.conf file.

When the value of ShowPendingNONSNMP is set to TRUE, candidate systems that do not support SNMP are placed on the Pending Devices list. Managing systems on the Pending Devices list provides information about managing systems on the Pending Devices list.

When autodiscovery is enabled, setting ShowPendingNONSNMP to TRUE can result in a large number of non-SNMP systems in the Pending Devices list.