Once the policy management feature is enabled, the following managed and unmanaged policy groups are added to the Polling tab of the Polling and Thresholds Console that is attached to the IP-Configuration Manager:

  • Managed FileSystems

  • Managed Interfaces

  • Managed Logical Devices

  • Managed Port

  • Managed RedundancyGroups

  • Managed STPNodes

  • Unmanaged FileSystems

  • Unmanaged Interfaces

  • Unmanaged Logical Devices

  • Unmanaged Port

  • Unmanaged RedundancyGroups

  • Unmanaged STPNodes

    Policy groupsshows the policy groups in the Polling tab of the Polling and Threshold Console. Polling Groups, which contain all of the polling groups, always appear in the Polling tab.

    Figure 1. Policy groups

    In Policy groups, the Matching Criteriatab for the Unmanaged Interfaces Switches policy group is selected. Each policy group uses the attributes of the object type in its Matching Criteria tab to determine which objects become members of the group.

    Objects that become members of a managed policy group will be managed, and therefore will be monitored. Objects that become members of an unmanaged policy group will be unmanaged, and therefore will not be monitored.

    Default policy groups for the IP Managershows the default policy groups, their target classes, and their matching criteria.

Table 1. Default policy groups for the IP Manager

Policy group

Target class and matching criteria

1  Unmatchable value: To use DisplayName, change value to a matchable value (for example, DisplayName = NY*).

2  Matchable (real) value: Accept or change value to a different matchable value.

Managed FileSystems and Unmanaged FileSystems


CIM_FileSystem with attributes:

  • CreationClassName = FileSystem

  • DisplayName = Manage or Unmanage  1

Managed Interfaces


Interface with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Switch

  • Mib2IfType = 10000  2


Interface with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Router

  • Mib2IfType = 10000  2

Hubs and Bridges

Interface with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Hub|Bridge

  • Mib2IfType = 10000  2

Other Systems

Interface with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = ~Switch|Router|Hub|Bridge

  • Mib2IfType = 10000  2

Unmanaged Interfaces


Interface with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Switch

  • Mib2IfType = 101|102|103|104|153  2


Interface with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Router

  • Description = Virtual-Access*|Description Async*  2

  • Mib2IfType = 100  2

Hubs and Bridges

Interface with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Hub|Bridge

  • Description = Virtual-Access*|Description Async*  2

  • Mib2IfType = 100  2

Other Systems

Interface with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = ~Switch|Router|Hub|Bridge

  • Description = Virtual-Access*|Description Async*  2

  • Mib2IfType = 100  2

Managed Logical Devices and Unmanaged Logical Devices


CIM_LogicalDevice with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Switch

  • CreationClassName = Memory|Processor|TemperatureSensor|VoltageSensor|Fan|Disk

  • DisplayName = Manage or Unmanage  1


CIM_LogicalDevice with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Router

  • CreationClassName = Memory|Processor|TemperatureSensor|VoltageSensor|Fan|Disk

  • DisplayName = Manage or Unmanage  1

Hubs and Bridges

CIM_LogicalDevice with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Hub|Bridge

  • CreationClassName = Memory|Processor|TemperatureSensor|VoltageSensor|Fan|Disk

  • DisplayName = Manage or Unmanage  1

Other Systems

CIM_LogicalDevice with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = ~Switch|Router|Hub|Bridge

  • CreationClassName = Memory|Processor|TemperatureSensor|VoltageSensor|Fan|Disk

  • DisplayName = Manage or Unmanage  1

Managed Ports


Port with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Switch

  • Mib2IfType = 101|102|103|104|153  2

Hubs and Bridges

Port with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Hub|Bridge

  • Description = Virtual-Access*|Description Async*  2

  • Mib2IfType = 100  2

Other Systems

Port with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = ~Switch|Hub|Bridge

  • Description = Virtual-Access*|Description Async*  2

  • Mib2IfType = 100  2

Unmanaged Ports


Port with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Switch

  • Mib2IfType = 10000  2

Hubs and Bridges

Port with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Hub|Bridge

  • Mib2IfType = 10000  2

Other Systems

Port with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = ~Switch|Hub|Bridge

  • Mib2IfType = 10000  2

Managed RedundancyGroups and Unmanaged RedundancyGroups


RedundancyGroup with attributes:

  • CreationClassName = CardRedundancyGroup|NetworkAdapterRedundancyGroup|HSRPGroup|VRRPGroup

  • DisplayName = Manage or Unmanage  1

Managed STPNodes and Unmanaged STPNodes


ICIM_ServiceAccessPoint with attributes:

  • SystemCreationClassName = Switch

  • CreationClassName = STPNode

  • DisplayName = Manage or Unmanage  1