Attributes of BladeEnclosureManager lists the attributes of BladeEnclosureManager.
Attributes |
Description |
Allowed values |
AccessMode |
The mode to access a system. It can have one of the following values:
enum |
AprioriProbability_Down |
Float |
BridgeAddress |
The bridge address as defined in RFC1493. |
String |
Certification |
Defines the level of certification that this device has in the discovery process:
enum |
DiscoveredFirstAt |
The time when the first discovery probe of this system occurred. |
String |
DiscoveredLastAt |
The time when the last discovery probe of this system occurred. |
String |
DiscoveredLastAtToSeconds |
The numeric time when the last discovery probe of this System occurred. |
Integer |
DiscoveryErrorInfo |
A message that describes the last discovery error for this system. |
String |
Domain |
The domain to which the system belongs. |
String |
HasIPAddresses |
Indicates if the BladeEnclosureManager has an IP address. |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
HasIPv6Addresses |
Indicates if the BladeEnclosureManager has an IPv6 address. |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
indexVal |
String |
IsAddressable |
Set to TRUE if the system is IP addressable. |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsDiscoveryInProgress |
TRUE if discovery in progress for this system. |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsEveryIPUnresponsive |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsEveryIPv6Unresponsive |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsEveryNeighborUnresponsive |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsEveryServiceUnresponsive |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsManaged |
Determines if an ICIM_ManagedSystemElement should be monitored by the management system. An unmanaged object will never have associated instrumentation. This attribute is read-only. |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsMightBeDown |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsProxy |
TRUE - if this is a proxy of remote system. |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsSeed |
TRUE if the system is added as seed. |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsUnmanagedOrUnresponsive |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsUnmanagedOrUnresponsive_internal |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
IsUnresponsive |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
Types and Names of key attributes defined in CIM model. |
String |
Location |
A description of where this System is located. |
String |
Model |
The name by which the System is generally known. |
String |
MonitoringEnabled |
Indicates of monitoring is enabled for the system. |
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE |
Vendor |
The name of the System's supplier. |
String |
Name |
Name of the object. For example, Blade-Enclosure-Manager-1 |
String |
ManagedByAgentIP |
The IP address of the SNMP Agent by which the BladeEnclosureManager is being Managed. |
String |