Attributes of Switch lists the attributes for the class Switch.
Attribute |
Description |
Allowed values |
AccessMode |
The mode to access a system. It can have one of the following values: ICMPONLY, SNMPONLY, or ICMPSNMP. |
Enum |
AprioriProbability_Down |
Float |
BridgeAddress |
The bridge address as defined in RFC1493. |
String |
Certification |
The Certification attribute defines the level of certification that this device has in the discovery process:
UNDISCOVERED indicates the system is undiscovered. |
Enum |
CIM_CreationClassName |
CreationClassName attribute defined in CIM model. |
String |
CIM_Description |
The Description property provides a textual description of the object. |
String |
CIM_Name |
Name attribute defined in CIM model. It defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property. |
String |
CreationClassName |
The name of the most-derived class of this instance. |
String |
Description |
A textual description of the object. |
String |
DesignatedRoot |
The bridge identifier of the root of the spanning tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol as executed by this Bridge. This value is used as the Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration Bridge PDUs originated by this node. |
String |
DesignatedRootPort |
The port number of the port which offers the lowest cost path from this Bridge to the root Bridge. |
Integer |
DiscoveredFirstAt |
The time when the first discovery probe of this System occurred. |
String |
DiscoveredLastAt |
The time when the last discovery probe of this System occurred. |
String |
DiscoveredLastAtToSeconds |
The numeric time when the last discovery probe of this System occurred. |
Unsigned-Integer |
DiscoveryErrorInfo |
A message describing the last discovery error for this System. |
String |
DiscoveryTime |
The time taken for the last discovery probe of this System. |
String |
DisplayClassName |
The string shown in the GUI when this object's class is displayed. |
String |
DisplayName |
The string shown in the GUI when this object's name is displayed. |
String |
Domain |
The domain to which the system belongs. |
String |
HasIPAddresses |
Boolean |
HasIPv6Addresses |
Boolean |
indexVal |
String |
IsAddressable |
Set to TRUE if the system is IP addressable. |
Boolean |
IsDiscoveryInProgress |
TRUE if discovery is in progress for this system. |
Boolean |
IsEveryIPUnresponsive |
Boolean |
IsEveryIPv6Unresponsive |
Boolean |
IsEveryNeighborUnresponsive |
Boolean |
IsEveryServiceUnresponsive |
Boolean |
IsManaged |
The IsManaged attribute determines if an ICIM_ManagedSystemElement should be monitored by the management system. An unmanaged object will never have associated instrumentation. This attribute is readonly. |
Boolean |
IsMightBeDown |
Boolean |
IsProxy |
TRUE if this is a proxy of remote system. |
Boolean |
IsSeed |
TRUE if the system is added as seed. |
Boolean |
IsUnmanagedOrUnresponsive |
Boolean |
IsUnmanagedOrUnresponsive_internal |
Boolean |
IsUnresponsive |
TRUE indicates that the system is not responding to ICMP pings or SNMP polls. FALSE indicates that the system is responding to ICMP pings and/or SNMP polls. |
Boolean |
IsUnresponsive_internal |
TRUE indicates that the system is not responding to ICMP pings or SNMP polls. FALSE indicates that the system is responding to ICMP pings and/or SNMP polls. |
Boolean |
Types and Names of key attributes defined in CIM model. |
String |
Location |
A description of where this System is located. |
String |
Model |
The name by which the System is generally known. |
String |
MonitoringEnabled |
Boolean |
Name |
Name of object |
String |
NameFormat |
The ComputerSystem object and its derivatives are Top Level Objects of ICIM. They provide the scope for numerous components. Having unique System keys is required. A heuristic is defined to create the ComputerSystem Name to attempt to always generate the same Name, independent of discovery protocol. This prevents inventory and management problems where the same asset or entity is discovered multiple times, but cannot be resolved to a single object. Use of the heuristic is optional, but recommended. The NameFormat property identifies how the ComputerSystem Name is generated, using a heuristic. The heuristic is outlined, in detail, in the CIM V2 System Model spec. It assumes that the documented rules are traversed in order, to determine and assign a Name. The NameFormat Values list defines the precedence order for assigning the ComputerSystem Name. Several rules do map to the same Value. Note that the ComputerSystem Name calculated using the heuristic is the System's key value. Other names, or Aliases, that better describe a business, can be assigned and used for the ComputerSystem. |
Enum |
NumberOfInterfaces |
Unsigned-Integer |
NumberOfIPs |
Unsigned-Integer |
NumberOfIPv6s |
Unsigned-Integer |
NumberOfNetworkAdapters |
Unsigned-Integer |
NumberOfPorts |
Unsigned-Integer |
OSVersion |
The software version of this System's operating system. |
String |
PrimaryOwnerContact |
A string that provides information on how the primary system owner can be reached (e.g., phone number, email address). |
String |
PrimaryOwnerName |
The name of the primary owner of the ICIM_System. |
String |
ReadCommunity |
The SNMP read community string. |
String |
ReconfiguredAfter |
The DiscoveredLastAt value for which the last reconfigure is performed. |
String |
RemoveComponents |
Enable or disable component deletion functionality for ICIM_System instances. This is used by remove() function. Default value is set to FALSE. |
Boolean |
ServiceName |
Name of external server used for imported events and instrumented attributes. |
String |
ShortDiscoveredFirstAt |
The time when the first discovery probe of this System occurred. |
String |
ShortDiscoveredLastAt |
The time when the first discovery probe of this System occurred. |
String |
ShortDiscoveryTime |
The time for the last discovery probe of this System. |
String |
SNMPAddress |
The primary address used to contact the SNMP agent running on this System. Note that if this System hosts more than one network address, it may be possible that another address is currently being used to contact the agent. |
String |
SourceAddress |
The system level source address. All the IP addresses that are hosted by the system use the address as source address unless each IP address has its own source address. |
String |
SupportsSNMP |
TRUE if this system is manageable via SNMP. |
Boolean |
SystemName |
The name of this ICIM_System object. |
String |
SystemObjectID |
The System Object Identifier associated with the Vendor of this ComputerSystem. |
String |
Type |
The Type attribute coarsely classifies the ComputerSystem. This attribute is used primarily for display purposes only. The actual capabilities of a ComputerSystem are reflected in the LogicalDevices, Services, and ServiceAccessPoints related to it. |
Enum |
UseBridgingRelationship |
TRUE to use Bridging relationship in correlation. |
Boolean |
Vendor |
The name of the System's supplier. |
String |