Threshold settings for the IP Manager lists the IP Manager Threshold settings.

Table 1. Threshold settings for the IP Manager

Threshold group category

Threshold setting


Interface Groups

Backup Interface Support

Availability monitoring

Dial-on-Demand Interface Support

Disable Fault Analysis for Interface/Port


Disable Performance Analysis for Interface/Port

Ethernet Interface/Port Performance

Performance monitoring

Generic Interface/Port Performance

Interface/Port Flapping

Availability monitoring

Port Groups - Access Ports

Port Groups - Trunk Ports

Disable Fault Analysis for Interface/Port


Disable Performance Analysis for Interface/Port

Ethernet Interface/Port Performance

Performance monitoring

Generic Interface/Port Performance

Interface/Port Flapping

Availability monitoring

System Resource Groups

System VLAN Tag Groups

Cisco Fast and NvRam Memory

Performance monitoring


Availability monitoring


Performance monitoring


Interface Management Policy

Policy management

Juniper Environment

Performance monitoring

Processor and Memory

VLAN Tagging Policy

Policy management

VLAN Impact Propagation Groups

Problem Impact propagation policy over VLANs

Policy management

In general, a group category, such as “Interface Groups,” has a set of settings that are available to any group in the group category. Thus, all settings for a particular group category are available to each of the default groups in that category.

But even though you can apply any available setting for a particular group category to any default group in that category, not all group-to-setting mappings are valid. The default group-to-setting mappings in GUID-11919FAA-D73C-442E-87A7-FA9CB567A0CB.html#GUID-11919FAA-D73C-442E-87A7-FA9CB567A0CB___REFERENCE_POLLING_THRESHOLDS_28098 through GUID-11919FAA-D73C-442E-87A7-FA9CB567A0CB.html#GUID-11919FAA-D73C-442E-87A7-FA9CB567A0CB___REFERENCE_POLLING_THRESHOLDS_75158 are the mappings that users would typically use.

Control-type threshold settings are described in “Threshold settings for control” on page 219.

Availability-type threshold settings are described in “Threshold settings for IP Availability monitoring” on page 296.

Performance-type threshold settings are described in “Threshold settings for IP performance monitoring” on page 299.

Policy management settings are described in the following sections:

  • “Using a policy setting to control the managed state of interfaces” on page 191

  • “Using a policy setting to ensure appropriate VLAN assignments” on page 194

  • Using a policy setting to prevent VLAN impacts on page 197