Parameters for optimizing the discovery of ERX devices lists the parameters for optimizing the discovery of ERX devices.

Table 1. Parameters for optimizing the discovery of ERX devices

Parameter name

Filter type

Default value


ERXIfExcludeSysPattern <name pattern>


  • ERXIfExcludeSysPattern *network*

    Any discovered Juniper ERX device whose Name attribute string matches “network” (not case-sensitive) will be subjected to the following two filters:





(By default, all discovered Juniper ERX devices will match this filter.)

Identifies through a name pattern filter which Juniper ERX devices are to be subjected to the following two filters:

  • ERXIfExcludeTypePattern

  • ERXIfExcludeDescrPattern

Any discovered ERX device whose Name attribute string matches the name pattern that is specified for this parameter will be subjected to these two filters.

ERXIfExcludeTypePattern <interface type pattern>


  • ERXIfExcludeSysPattern *network*

  • ERXIfExcludeTypePattern 1|23|126|134


    Interface types are 1 => other (generic), 23 => ppp, 126 => ip, and 134 => atmSubInterface.

    For any discovered Juniper ERX device whose Name attribute string matches “network” (not case-sensitive), any interface that has an ifType value other than 1, 23, 126, or 134 will be created.



A filter that restricts the creation of interfaces (ports) for the Juniper ERX devices that match the ERXIfExcludeSysPattern filter. The filtering is based on a specific interface type pattern.

The ERXIfExcludeTypePattern filter is an exclusive-type filter: Any interface type that matches the filter is excluded, and any interface type that does not match the filter is included.

ERXIfExcludeDescrPattern <interface description pattern>


  • ERXIfExcludeSysPattern *network*

  • #ERXIfExcludeDescrPattern      *ATM*<0-20>/<0-20>.<1800-900000>|          *LOOPBACK<200-10000>|*PPPOE*

    (commented out in the tpmgr-param.conf file)

    For any discovered Juniper ERX device whose Name attribute string matches “network” (not case-sensitive), any interface that has an ifDescr description that matches any of these patterns will not be created, and any interface that has an ifDescr description that does not match any of these patterns will be created.



A filter that restricts the creation of interfaces (ports) for the Juniper ERX devices that match the ERXIfExcludeSysPattern filter. The filtering is based on a specific interface description pattern.

Like the ERXIfExcludeTypePattern filter, the ERXIfExcludeDescrPattern filter is an exclusive-type filter: Any interface description that matches the filter is excluded, and any interface description that does not match the filter is included.

IFTypePattern-<ERX sysObjectID> <interface type pattern>


  • IFTypePattern-. ~80


    sysObjectID is the Unisphere ERX-1440 Router; and Interface type is 80 => atmLogical.


    In this example, all ifType values will match ~80 except ifType 80.



A filter (standard filter) that further restricts the creation of interfaces (ports) for a Juniper ERX device based on a specific interface type pattern.

Any interface type that matches the filter is included, and any interface type that does not match the filter is excluded.


In the case of an ifType exclude/include conflict, the ERXIfExcludeTypePattern filter has higher priority than the IFTypePattern filter.

IFDescrPattern-<ERX sysObjectID> <interface description      pattern>


  • IFDescrPattern-. ~*Logical      Interface*


    sysObjectID is the Unisphere ERX-1440 Router.


    In this example, all ifDescr descriptions will match ~*Logical Interface* except those that contain a “Logical Interface” string.



A filter (standard filter) that further restricts the creation of interfaces (ports) for a Juniper ERX device based on a specific interface description pattern.

Any interface description that matches the filter is included, and any interface description that does not match the filter is excluded.

When this filter is used, the associated IFTypePattern filter is typically set to “~*”.


In the case of an ifDescr exclude/include conflict, the ERXIfExcludeDescrPattern filter has higher priority than the IFDescrPattern filter.