A protocol endpoint describes a logical endpoint that can be used to gain access to some network service. Important protocol endpoints are IP, which represents the point at which an IP address (Layer 3) can be reached, and Media Access Control (MAC), which similarly represents the point at which a MAC (Layer 2) address can be reached.

A protocol endpoint is related to some lower-level network object by the LayeredOver relationship. Thus, an IP address would be LayeredOver an Interface.

Protocol endpoint classes instantiated by the IP Manager identifies the protocol endpoint classes that can be instantiated by the IP Manager.

Table 1. Protocol endpoint classes instantiated by the IP Manager


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All IP Manager products

A Frame Relay data link connection identifier endpoint.


All IP Manager products

An IPv4 address endpoint.


All IP Manager products

Two or more occurrences of the same IPv4 address.


All IP Manager products

An IPv6 address endpoint.


All IP Manager products

Two or more occurrences of the same IPv6 address.


All IP Manager products

The start of the Default Route that is assigned to a system.


All IP Manager products

A media access control endpoint.


All IP Manager products

Spanning Tree Protocol capabilities for a switch port.


All IP Manager products

A Transmission Control Protocol listening endpoint, as is used by network services such as HTTP servers.


All IP Manager products

A virtual TCP listening endpoint that has a mapping between virtual to real TCP endpoints, as is used by load balancers to map URLs to real HTTP servers.


All IP Manager products

A Hot Standby Router Protocol endpoint, which is a logical element that is defined per interface per HSRP group on the hosting router.


All IP Manager products

A Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol endpoint, which is a logical element that is defined per interface per VRRP group on the hosting router.