When you select the TM_USESEEDNAME option in the name-resolver.conf file, the Name Resolution probe uses the following keyword and value that are defined for individual systems in the seed file to name the systems:

SEEDNAME=<user-specified name>

For any system in the seed file for which this keyword is not defined, the Name Resolution probe uses the seed name, which is the name by which the system was introduced to the discovery process, to name the system. For an autodiscovery candidate system, for which a seed name is not available, the Name Resolution probe uses the first non-private IP address to name the system.

To configure seed-name name resolution:

  1. Go to the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory in the IP Manager installation area and type the following command to open the name-resolver.conf file:

                   sm_edit conf/discovery/name-resolver.conf
  2. Find the NameFormat section of the file:

    NameFormat = "TM_USESEEDNAME"
    #NameFormat = "TM_USEAUTONAME"
  3. Ensure that the NameFormat = “TM_USESEEDNAME” option is the only one that is not commented out.

    Steps 4 and 5 are optional. Only if you want to use the NAMEFORMAT=TM_USEAUTONAME exception that is described in the right column of GUID-1BE3702C-15B2-4622-B8EF-33447A299567.html#GUID-1BE3702C-15B2-4622-B8EF-33447A299567___NAME_RESOLUTION_92417 do you need to perform these steps.

  4. Optional: Find the AutoNameOrder section of the file:

    AutoNameOrder 0 TM_USELOOPBACK
    AutoNameOrder 1 TM_USESYSNAME
    AutoNameOrder 3 TM_USEPRIVATEIP
  5. Optional: Change the AutoNameOrder numbers (0 through 4) to the order that you prefer. The resolution process is performed in ascending order, starting with AutoNameOrder 0. GUID-1BE3702C-15B2-4622-B8EF-33447A299567.html#GUID-1BE3702C-15B2-4622-B8EF-33447A299567___NAME_RESOLUTION_23577 describes the AutoNameOrder naming sources.

  6. Save and close the file.

    The modified version of the name-resolver.conf file is saved to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/discovery directory.

  7. Type the following command from BASEDIR/smarts/bin to implement your changes:

                   sm_tpmgr -s <
                      IP Manager
                    instance name> -b <
                   >  --load-conf=name-resolver.conf
                   sm_tpmgr -s INCHARGE-AM -b localhost:426  --load-conf=name-resolver.conf
  8. Create a seed file and define a specific name for each system by adding the following to each entry:

    ROUTER2 SEEDNAME=Core-router-2 SEEDNAME=My-router
  9. Optional: Configure exceptions to seed-file name resolution, as described in “Configuring exceptions to seed-name name resolution” on page 156.

  10. Import the seed file for discovery.

    The locally specified names for systems will be used to name the systems.

    If the resolution process is unsuccessful for the specified naming source for a system, a final procedure will use a public IP address, a private IP address, or the SNMP agent address for the system name.