To enable autodiscovery:

  1. Attach the Domain Manager Administration Console to the target IP Manager.

    “Opening the Domain Manager Administration Console” on page 18 provides instructions on opening this console.

  2. In the left panel of the Domain Manager Administration Console, click the IP Manager Domain Manager name to display a multiple-tab window in the right panel of the console.

  3. Click Topology.

  4. Select Enable Auto Discovery.

  5. In the Community String field, provide any additional read community strings that are needed by the IP Manager to be able to communicate with systems on your network. You may add up to four read community strings; the default is public.


    For Cisco devices, do not configure the community string with a “@” character.

    The community strings that are specified here are global default community strings that apply to autodiscovery and manual discovery. “Adding read community strings” on page 160 provides the procedure for adding community strings.

  6. Click Apply.