The LSP State Monitoring setting determines the polling intervals that are used by MPLS Manager to monitor TE LSPs and LDP LSPs. For rerouted TE LSPs, the setting also determines the interval that MPLS Manager will wait before attempting to rediscover the rerouted LSPs. MPLS Manager monitors the LSPs by probing the SNMP tables on the source PE or P devices for the LSPs.

LSP State Monitoring setting parameters and their values lists the LSP State Monitoring setting parameters.

Table 1. LSP State Monitoring setting parameters and their values






Default: ENABLED

Enables or disables:

  1. The MPLS Manager polling of LSP data.

  2. The subsequent analysis of the polled data to determine the status of LSPs.



Default: False

Applicable only to TE LSPs that are discovered by using SNMP discovery, not CLI discovery:

Enables or disables the MPLS Manager rediscovery of TE LSPs.

If True, rediscovery of LSPs is enabled. If False, rediscovery of LSPs is disabled.

Rediscovery of an LSP is attempted only when an LSP is found to be rerouted, and only when the time that is specified in the RediscoveryInterval parameter has elapsed.


30 to 3600 seconds

Default: 240 seconds

Sets the time between successive polls.


Default: 7200 seconds (2 hours)

Applicable only to TE LSPs that are discovered by using SNMP discovery, not CLI discovery:

Sets the time between when a TE LSP is found to be rerouted and when MPLS Manager attempts to rediscover the LSP.

When the rediscovery interval is reached for a rerouted LSP, MPLS Manager removes the LSP from its repository and attempts to rediscover the LSP by polling the source PE device for the LSP. Other LSPs that originate from the source PE device and already in the repository are not rediscovered.


Specifying a rediscovery interval that is too short might result in MPLS Manager attempting a rediscovery while the LSP is being rerouted.

The IsRediscoveryEnabled parameter must be set to True for the Rediscovery-Interval parameter to have any effect.


0 to 10 retries

Default: 3

Sets the number of retry polls to perform when the initial poll fails.


Regular expression

Default: *

(By default, all devices are selected, which means that all LSPs in the managed network are candidates for rediscovery.)

Specifies the wildcard expression to use to select the destination devices for LSPs.

An example entry is C*, which would limit LSP rediscovery to just those LSPs that have destination devices with names that begin with C.

Appendix A, “Wildcard Patterns,” discusses wildcard syntax.


Regular expression

Default: *

(By default, all devices are selected, which means that all LSPs in the managed network are candidates for rediscovery.)

Specifies the wildcard expression to use to select the source devices for LSPs.

An example entry is C*, which would limit LSP rediscovery to just those LSPs that have source devices with names that begin with C.


10 to 10000 milliseconds

Default: 700 milliseconds

Sets the amount of time to wait for the poll response before the first poll request times out. The timeout value doubles for each successive retry.

For Timeout=700 msec (0.7 sec) and Retries=3:

  • 0.7 seconds for first retry

  • 1.4 seconds for second retry

  • 2.8 seconds for third retry