MPLS Manager, working with VMware Smart Assurance IP Availability Manager and the VMware Smart Assurance Service Assurance Manager (Global Manager), manages MPLS networks and VPNs that are configured and provisioned over MPLS networks. MPLS Manager architecture shows how MPLS Manager interoperates with these components.

Figure 1. MPLS Manager architecture

Data transfer between components in an MPLS Manager deployment presents another view of the interoperability between the components in an MPLS Manager deployment. VMware Smart Assurance Network Protocol Manager for BGP is included in the deployment only if the MPLS-BGP cross-domain correlation feature is enabled.

Figure 2. Data transfer between components in an MPLS Manager deployment

An MPLS Manager deployment may contain one or more IP Availability Managers and one Network Protocol Manager for BGP. For the MPLS-enabled network in Multiple IP Availability Manager sources for MPLS Manager—example, MPLS Manager has two IP Availability Manager sources, and Network Protocol Manager for BGP has the same two sources.

Figure 3. Multiple IP Availability Manager sources for MPLS Manager—example