Although you can use the dmctl utility to override parameter values in most configuration files, your change might not take effect because a Domain Manager reads some parameters only at startup.

For example, even after you issue the dmctl invoke command to override the StopAutoAMSync setting in the mpls.conf file, your change will not be known to the target MPLS Topology Server until you make the change to the StopAutoAMSync parameter in the mpls.conf file and restart the target server.

Parameter setting changes that require a restart identifies the parameters for which a restart is required. To change a parameter in the table, use the sm_edit utility to modify the parameter’s value in the configuration file, and then restart the affected server or servers to make the change take effect.

Table 1. Parameter setting changes that require a restart

Configuration file


Affected server

1  Parameters in this file cannot be overridden by using the dmctl utility; use the sm_edit utility to modify this file.


InChargeDomain::InChargeDomain_INCHARGE-AM {

Type = "AM"

DomainName = "INCHARGE-AM"

DisplayName = "INCHARGE-AM"


MPLS Topology Server

InChargeDomain::InChargeDomain_INCHARGE-BGP {

Type = "BGP"

DomainName = "INCHARGE-BGP"

DisplayName = "INCHARGE-BGP"




InChargeDomain::InChargeDomain_INCHARGE-AM {

Type = "AM"

DomainName = "INCHARGE-AM"

DisplayName = "INCHARGE-AM"


MPLS VPN-Tagging Server 1


MPLS Topology Server 1


MPLS Topology Server MPLS Monitoring Server MPLS Analysis Server MPLS VPN-Tagging Server