Remote ping can be executed in two different ways:

  • Automated as periodic remote pings

  • On-demand through a server tool invocation at the Global Console

    Data flows for periodic and on-demand remote ping shows the differences in the data flows for periodic remote ping and on-demand remote ping.

    Figure 1. Data flows for periodic and on-demand remote ping

    Periodic remote ping requests are configured by administrators through the Polling and Thresholds Console to run at configured intervals for an indefinite period of time. Administrators use periodic remote ping to schedule end-to-end availability testing for selected device pairs.

    Administrators and operators use on-demand remote ping to check device reachability in-between periodic remote ping tests. In the Global Console, on-demand requests are available from the pop-up Server Tools menu for router, switch, or VRF objects.

    For periodic remote ping requests, MPLS Manager analyzes the ping responses and notifies the Global Manager when the number of failed pings within the configured polling interval meets or exceeds a user-configurable value. For on-demand ping requests, MPLS Manager returns the ping responses to the initiator of the ping requests but does not analyze the responses.