To name a discovered MPLS, VPN, or BGP object, MPLS Manager uses the appropriate naming format in Naming formats for discovered MPLS objects through Naming formats for discovered BGP objects to assign the object a unique name.

Table 1. Naming formats for discovered MPLS objects


Naming format

MPLSService 1

Name:MPLS-<host device name>


DisplayName:<empty, which means that DisplayName defaults to Name>


Name of an LSP object depends on LSP type:

  • TE tunnel

  • Primary TE LSP

  • Backup TE LSP

  • P2MP LSP

  • subLSP


In some cases, name of an LSP object also depends on discovery source: SNMP or CLI.

Naming format for TE tunnel

Name:TETunnel-<tunnel name>/<source device name>_<tunnel ID>


DisplayName:<same as Name>


No tunnel IDs appear in the TE tunnel names for Juniper M/T devices.

Naming format for primary TE LSP

Name:LSP-<source device name>/<outgoing label of first LSP segment>/<outgoing    interface name of first LSP segment>/<outgoing interface number of first LSP       segment>-><destination device name>/<LSP identifier>/<tunnel name>_Primary

Example:LSP-dev-Vpls6/-1/IF-dev-Vpls6/1->dev-MPLSp5/   Primary

DisplayName:<tunnel name>_Primary


The LSP in this example is an SNMP-discovered LSP that is built on Cisco IOS devices. For LSPs that are built on Cisco IOX devices, CLI discovery is sometimes used to discover path-protection LSPs. For a TE LSP that is discovered in this manner, both Name and DisplayName are set to the CLI output.

LSP 1(continued)

Naming format for backup TE LSP

Name:LSP-<source device name>/<outgoing label of first LSP segment>/<outgoing    interface name of first LSP segment>/<outgoing interface number of first LSP       segment>-><destination device name>/<LSP identifier>/         <tunnel name>_Secondary

Example:LSP-dev-Vpls6/-1/IF-dev-Vpls6/1->dev-MPLSp5/   Secondary

DisplayName:<tunnel name>_Secondary


Naming format for P2MP LSP

Name:P2MP-<discovered P2MP LSP name>


DisplayName:<empty, which means that DisplayName defaults to Name>

Naming format for subLSP

Name: subLSP-<discovered subLSP name>


DisplayName:<empty, which means that DisplayName defaults to Name>

Naming format for LDP LSP

Name:LSP-<source device name>-><destination device name>/-<first hop (source device)    outgoing label>-<next hop outgoing label>- ... -<last hop outgoing label (3 = POP)>


DisplayName:<empty, which means that DisplayName defaults to Name>

LSPHop 1

Name of an LSPHop object depends on type of LSP to which LSP hop belongs:

  • Primary TE LSP

  • Backup TE LSP

  • subLSP


In some cases, name of an LSPHop object also depends on discovery source: SNMP or CLI.

Naming format for LSPHop that belongs to primary TE LSP

Name:LSPHop-<source device name>/<outgoing interface name>/<outgoing interface    number>-><destination device name>/<LSP identifier>/<tunnel name>_Primary


DisplayName:<same as Name>

Naming format for LSPHop that belongs to backup TE LSP

Name:LSPHop-<source device name>/<outgoing interface name>/<outgoing interface    number>-><destination device name>/<LSP identifier>/<tunnel name>_Secondary

Example:LSPHop-dev-Vpls6/IF-dev-Vpls6/1->dev-MPLSp9/    _Secondary

DisplayName:<same as Name>

Naming format for LSPHop that belongs to subLSP

Name:LSPHop-<source device name>/<IP of outgoing interface>-><destination device    name>/<IP of incoming interface>


DisplayName:<same as Name>

LSPHop 1(continued)

Naming format for LSPHop that belongs to LDP LSP

For an LDP-LSP-related LSP hop that has a label = 3, the outgoing label value is replaced with POP. POP stands for penultimate hop pop.

Outgoing label not equal to 3:

Name:LSPHop-<source device name>_<hop outgoing label>-><destination device name>


DisplayName:<same as Name>

Outgoing label equal to 3:

Name:LSPHop-<source device name>_POP-><destination device name>


DisplayName:<same as Name>

LdpProtocolEndpoint (non-targeted)

Name of an LdpProtocolEndpoint object depends on discovery source, SNMP or CLI. And for SNMP, name also depends on MIB source: Cisco or Juniper.

Naming format for LdpProtocolEndpoint based on Cisco MIB source

Name:LDP-<LDP endpoint IP address>.0.0.<MIB index>


DisplayName:<same as Name>

Naming format for LdpProtocolEndpoint based on Juniper MIB source (Juniper M/T)

Name:LDP-<LDP endpoint IP address>.0.0.1.<peer LDP endpoint IP address>.0.0


DisplayName:<same as Name>

Naming format for LdpProtocolEndpoint based on CLI source (Juniper ERX)

Name:LDP-<LDP endpoint IP address>-><peer LDP endpoint IP address>


DisplayName:<same as Name>

LdpAdjacency (non-targeted)

Name:LDP-ADJ-<Endpoint1 LdpProtocolEndpoint IP address>-<Endpoint2    LdpProtocolEndpoint IP address>


DisplayName:<same as Name>


Endpoint1 has the smaller IP address of the two endpoints.


Name:RSVP-Point-<source RSVP endpoint IP address>-><destination RSVP endpoint    IP address>/<tunnel identifier>/Source|Destination


DisplayName:<same as Name>


Name:RSVP-Session-<source RsvpProtocolEndpoint IP address>-><destination    RsvpProtocolEndpoint IP address>/<tunnel identifier>


DisplayName:<same as Name>

1**This object type is imported by the Global Manager.

Table 2. Naming formats for discovered L2VPN objects


Naming format


Name of a Layer 2 VPN object depends on VPN type:

  • LDP-signaled VPWS

  • LDP-signaled VPLS

  • BGP-signaled VPWS

  • BGP-signaled VPLS

Naming format for LDP-signaled VPWS

Name:VPN-L2-<name of pseudowire that belongs to this VPWS>


DisplayName:<same as Name>

Naming format for LDP-signaled VPLS

Name:VPLS-<VC ID of this VPLS>


DisplayName:<same as Name>


VC ID for an LDP-signaled VPLS is also known as the VPLS ID, and is the same value on all PEs that participate in the VPLS.

Naming format for BGP-signaled VPWS

Name:VPN-L2-<name of pseudowire that belongs to this VPWS>


DisplayName:VPN-<route target index of this VPWS>


Naming format for BGP-signaled VPLS

Name:VPLS-<route target index of this VPLS>


DisplayName:<same as Name>


Route target index for a BGP-signaled VPLS is also known as the VPLS ID, and is the same value on all PEs that participate in the VPLS.



Name:VRF-<VRF name>/<host device name>


DisplayName:<same as Name>


Name:RT-<route target index>


DisplayName:<empty, which means that DisplayName defaults to Name>

Forwarder 1

Name:FORWARDER-<name of L2VPN to which this Forwarder belongs>/<host device name>

Four examples:FORWARDER-VPN-L2-PW-

DisplayName:<empty, which means that DisplayName defaults to Name>


Name of a ForwarderEndpoint object depends on type of L2VPN to which ForwarderEndpoint belongs:

  • LDP-signaled VPWS

  • LDP-signaled VPLS

  • BGP-signaled VPWS or VPLS

Naming format for ForwarderEndpoint that belongs to LDP-signaled VPWS

Name:FORWARDEREP-<VC ID of pseudowire terminated by this ForwarderEndpoint>-<peer    ForwarderEndpoint IP address>/<host device name>


DisplayName:<same as Name>


VC ID for an LDP-signaled VPWS identifies the pseudowire.

Naming format for ForwarderEndpoint that belongs to LDP-signaled VPLS

Name:FORWARDEREP-<VC ID of VPLS to which this ForwarderEndpoint belongs>-<peer    ForwarderEndpoint IP address>/<host device name>


DisplayName:<same as Name>


VC ID for an LDP-signaled VPLS, also known as the VPLS ID, identifies the VPLS.

Naming format for ForwarderEndpoint that belongs to BGP-signaled VPWS or VPLS

Name:FORWARDEREP-<incoming VC ID of pseudowire terminated by this    ForwarderEndpoint>-<outgoing VC ID of pseudowire terminated by this       ForwarderEndpoint>/<host device name>


DisplayName:<same as Name>

PseudoWire 1

Name of a PseudoWire object depends on type of L2VPN to which PseudoWire belongs:

  • LDP-signaled VPWS or VPLS

  • BGP-signaled VPWS or VPLS

Naming format for PseudoWire that belongs to LDP-signaled VPWS or VPLS

Name:PW-<Termination1 ForwarderEndpoint IP address>-<Termination2    ForwarderEndpoint IP address>-<VC ID of this pseudowire>


DisplayName:<Termination1 device name>-<Termination2 device name>/<VC ID of this pseudowire>

Example:dev-MPLSp5 [PE]-dev-Vpls9 [PE]/824


Termination1 endpoint has the smaller IP address of the two endpoints. Termination1 device is hosting device for Termination1 endpoint.

Naming format for PseudoWire that belongs to BGP-signaled VPWS or VPLS

Name:PW-<Termination1 ForwarderEndpoint IP address>-<Termination2    ForwarderEndpoint IP address>-<incoming VC ID of this pseudowire relative to       Termination1 ForwarderEndpoint>-<outgoing VC ID of this pseudowire relative          to Termination1 ForwarderEndpoint>


DisplayName:<Termination1 device name>-<Termination2 device name>/<incoming VC ID of this    pseudowire relative to Termination1 ForwarderEndpoint>-<outgoing VC ID of this       pseudowire relative to Termination1 ForwarderEndpoint>

Example:Mimic-M7i [PE]-Mimic-t640 [PE]/262401-262406


Termination1 endpoint has the smaller IP address of the two endpoints. Termination1 device is hosting device for Termination1 endpoint.

LdpProtocolEndpoint (targeted)

The naming format for a targeted LdpProtocolEndpoint object is the same as the naming format for a non-targeted LdpProtocolEndpoint. See “LdpProtocolEndpoint (non-targeted)” on page 138.

LdpAdjacency (targeted)

The naming format for a targeted LdpAdjacency object is the same as the naming format for a non-targeted LdpAdjacency. See “LdpAdjacency (non-targeted)” on page 139.


Name:VLAN-<VLAN number>/<name of L2VPN associated with this VLAN>


DisplayName:<empty, which means that DisplayName defaults to Name>

1**This object type is imported by the Global Manager.

Table 3. Naming formats for discovered L3VPN objects


Naming format

VPN 1 (unicast VPN)

Full-mesh topology:

Name:VPN-<route target index of this unicast L3VPN>


DisplayName:<same as Name except that “[full mesh]” or “[full mesh (only one member)]” is    appended to    the name>

Example:VPN-100:1000 [full mesh]

Hub-and-spoke topology:

Name:VPN-<route target index for spoke of this unicast L3VPN>/<route target index for    hub of this unicast L3VPN>


DisplayName:<same as Name except that “[hub-and-spoke]” or “[hub-and-spoke] (multiple    hubs)” is appended to the name>

Example:VPN-100:1000/200:2000 [hub-and-spoke]

MulticastVPN 1

Name:mVPN-<route target index of this multicast L3VPN>


DisplayName:<same as Name except that “[FullMesh]” is appended to the name


MulticastGroup 1

Name:MCAST-GROUP-<group IP address>/RT-<route target index of the parent multicast    L3VPN>


DisplayName:<empty, which means that DisplayName defaults to Name>


The naming format for a VRF object in an L3VPN is the same as the naming format for a VRF object in an L2VPN. See “VRF” on page 141.


The naming format for a RouteTarget object in an L3VPN is the same as the naming format for a RouteTarget object in an L2VPN. See “RouteTarget” on page 141.

1**This object type is imported by the Global Manager.

Table 4. Naming formats for discovered BGP objects


Naming format


Name:AS-<autonomous-system identifier>

For example:AS-1097

DisplayName:<same as Name>

BGPService 1

Name:BGP-SVC-<host device name>

For example:BGP-SVC-dev-Vpls5

DisplayName:BGP-SVC-<host device name> [<BGP identifier> - <AS identifier>]

For example:BGP-SVC-dev-Vpls5 [ - 1097]

BGPProtocolEndpoint 1

Name:BGP-EP-<host device name>/<remote interface IP address>

For example:BGP-EP-dev-Vpls5/

DisplayName:BGP-EP-<host device name>/<remote interface IP address>->   <remote device name>/<local interface IP address>       [<local AS identifier>-><remote AS identifier>] [local interface device identifier]

For example:BGP-EP-dev-Vpls5/>    [1097->1097] [Lo0]

Stub Name:BGP-EP-<host device name>/<remote interface IP address>

For example:BGP-EP-qa-mplspe3/

Stub DisplayName:BGP-EP-<host device name>/<remote interface IP address>    [<local AS identifier>-><remote AS identifier>]

For example:BGP-EP-qa-mplspe3/ [100->100]

BGPSession 1

Name:BGP-ADJ-<host device name>/<remote interface IP address><-->   <remote device name>/<local interface IP address>

For example:


DisplayName:BGP-ADJ-<host device name>/<remote interface IP address><-->   <remote device name>/<local interface IP address>       [<local AS identifier><--><remote AS identifier>]

For example:BGP-ADJ-dev-Vpls5/<--> [1097<-->1097]

Stub Name:BGP-ADJ-<host device name>-><remote interface IP address>

For example:BGP-ADJ-qa-vpls1->

Stub DisplayName:BGP-ADJ-<host device name>-><remote interface IP address>    [<local AS identifier>-><remote AS identifier>]

For example:BGP-ADJ-qa-vpls1-> [1097->1097]

1**This object type is imported by the Global Manager.