You view the impacts for a BGP problem notification by clicking the Impact tab in the Notification Properties dialog box. The Impact tab lists all of the affected objects for the notification.
For example, Impact tab that shows the impacts for a BGP problemlists the impacts diagnosed by Network Protocol Manager for BGPfor the BGPSession Down problem shown in GUID-870CD002-03E8-4354-A4D3-1DA64D0530B4.html#GUID-870CD002-03E8-4354-A4D3-1DA64D0530B4___NPM_BGP_USER_MAPS_61816.
For a BGP impact notification, that is, a notification that identifies a BGP object that is impacted by a problem, a Caused By tab (instead of the Impact tab) appears in the Notifications Properties dialog box. Caused By tab that shows the problem for a BGP impactprovides an example. The Caused By tab lists the problem that caused the notification.