To configure the trap exploder, you open and edit the Service Assurance BASEDIR/smarts/conf/trapd/trapd.conf file to forward the appropriate traps to Network Protocol Manager, IP Availability Manager, and the trap receiver. You use the FORWARD parameter in the trapd.conf file to determine which incoming traps are sent to what destinations.

In addition to configuring the trapd.conf file, you need to configure the managed network devices to forward SNMP traps to the host where the trap exploder is running, and to the port on which the trap exploder is listening for traps.

If no --port=<port number> option is specified in the trap exploder’s startup command, the trap exploder listens for traps on the port specified by the PORT parameter in the trapd.conf file (port 9000 by default), or port 162 if no PORT value is specified in the trapd.conf file. The trap exploder startup options are described in “Start the trap exploder” on page 92.

Mapping of trap exploder configuration steps to configured forwarded-trap paths maps the steps (circled numbers) in the trap exploder configuration procedure to the configured forwarded trap paths.

Figure 1. Mapping of trap exploder configuration steps to configured forwarded-trap paths

To configure the trapd.conf file for the trap exploder:

  1. Go to the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory in the Service Assurance Manager installation area and type the following command to open the trapd.conf file:

                   sm_edit conf/trapd/trapd.conf
  2. To forward BGP traps to Network Protocol Manager for BGP, add the following FORWARD entries (and comments for usability purposes) to the trapd.conf file:

    #       BGP Snmp v2 traps
    FORWARD: *.*.*.* . * * <hostname>:<port no>
    #       BGP Snmp v1 traps
    FORWARD: *.*.*.* . * * host:port
    #       CiscoMgmt trap for reconfiguration
    FORWARD: *.*.*.* . * * <hostname>:<port no>
  3. To forward OSPF traps to Network Protocol Manager for OSPF, add the following FORWARD entries (and comments for usability purposes) to the trapd.conf file:

    #       OSPF traps for non-cisco devices
    FORWARD: *.*.*.* . * * <hostname>:<port no>
    #       CiscoMgmt trap for reconfiguration
    FORWARD: *.*.*.* . * * <hostname>:<port no>
  4. To forward network traps to IP Availability Manager, choose which FORWARD entries that you want to use from the following list of predefined FORWARD statements in the trapd.conf file:

    # Traps required by InCharge IP Availability Manager (AM)
    # Generic: coldStart, warmStart, LinkUp, LinkDown
    #FORWARD: * .* <0-3> * host:port
    # Cisco: STACK module inserted, removed
    #FORWARD: * . 6 <3-4> host:port
    # 3Com: CoreBuilder 9000 module inserted
    #FORWARD: * . 6 6 host:port
    # AI: SLC card down, up
    #FORWARD: * . 6 10 host:port
    #FORWARD: * . 6 111 host:port
    #FORWARD: * . 6 10 host:port
    #FORWARD: * . 6 111 host:port
    # Cisco ISDN demandNbrLayer2Change
    #FORWARD: * . 6 3 host:port
    # Cisco cHsrpStateChange
    #FORWARD: * . 6 1 host:port
    # Traps required by InCharge IP Performance Manager (PM)
    # Cisco: EnvMon Voltage, Temperature, Fan, RedundantSupply
    #FORWARD: * . 6 <2-5> host:port
  5. To forward informational traps to the trap receiver, add your choice of FORWARD entries to the trapd.conf file:

    # Traps for Trap Receiver and Adapter Platform
    <Add your matching criteria for the traps and the forwarding destination: the IP address and trap port of the trap receiver.>
  6. Ensure that the ENABLE_FWD parameter is TRUE (default).

  7. Save and close the file.

    The modified version of the trapd.conf file is saved to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/trapd directory in the Service Assurance Manager installation area.

    Any received trap not matching any of the FORWARD entries is discarded.