If your deployment does not support detection of passive OSPF interfaces during CLI discovery, you must manually mark the passive interfaces.

Choose one of these procedures to eliminate OSPFNeighborRelationship notifications that will occur if an interface is passive, but not marked as such:

  1. Create a discovery hook script that sets the IsPassive attribute of the known passive OSPF interfaces to TRUE. Use the rules/ospf/custom/custom-end-system.asl template to create the script.

    For example:

       // Will set OSPFInterface IsPassive here
        foreach ospfInterfaceName (getInstances("OSPFInterface")) {
            ospfIntfObject = object("OSPFInterface",ospfInterfaceName);
            if (ospfIntfObject->Description == "FastEthernet1/0") {
               ospfIntfObject->IsPassive = TRUE;
               if (DEBUG) {
                  print("On OSFPInterface object:".ospfIntfObject->Name." setting IsPassive TRUE");
  2. Create an OSPF External polling group that matches the known passive OSPF interfaces in the managed OSPF network. Configure the matching criteria to match only the known passive OSPF interfaces, and give the group a higher priority than the default OSPF polling group.

    Because Network Protocol Manager for OSPF will not monitor any interface that becomes a member of the external polling group, it will not create alarms for the OSPF adjacency objects that have passive interfaces.