Network Protocol Manager for OSPF is able to discover non-passive and passive OSPF interfaces and their associated endpoints. It uses the following means to mark interfaces and endpoints as non-passive or passive:

  • IsPassive attribute of OSPFInterface object

    Holds the passivity state of the OSPF interface that the object represents.

    IsPassive = FALSE identifies a non-passive interface, and IsPassive = TRUE identifies a passive interface.

  • IsPassive attribute of OSPFNeighborEndpoint object

    Holds the passivity state of the OSPF endpoint that the object represents. IsPassive = FALSE identifies a non-passive endpoint, and IsPassive = TRUE identifies a passive endpoint.

    A non-passive OSPF interface and its associated endpoint can receive and transmit routing updates, whereas a passive OSPF interface and its associated endpoint can receive routing updates but cannot transmit them.

    The distinction between non-passive and passive ensures that Network Protocol Manager for OSPF does not generate the following events and problems for OSPF sessions that are associated with passive OSPF interfaces:

  • OSPFNeighborRelationship::NeighborStateAlarm events and OSPFNeighborRelationship::Down problems

  • OSPFVirtualLink::NeighborStateAlarm events and

  • OSPFVirtualLink::Down problems


    OSPF passive interface detection relies on CLI commands. Therefore, all logon credentails must be set on the IP Availability Manager and synchronized with the OSPF domain prior to OSPF discovery.The credentials are maintained in the Polling and Thresholds > Device Access tab in the IP Availability Manager.