During the second phase of the discovery process, each imported device is probed to identify routing topology information. At the end of the probing, instances of routing topology objects are created in the Network Protocol Manager repository.

During this phase of the discovery process, Network Protocol Manager creates instances of the classes that are identified in Initial topology added to the Network Protocol Manager repository.

Table 1. Initial topology added to the Network Protocol Manager repository

Class name


1  A discovered BGP endpoint is identified as primary or backup.

2  A discovered OSPF interface and its associated endpoint are identified as non-passive or passive.

Network Protocol Manager for BGP (IPv4 and IPv6 discovery)


A routing-protocol domain that consists of one or more devices that are running BGP services.


A BGP protocol process that is running on a device.

BGPProtocolEndpoint 1

A type of service access point that is defined for each BGP physical interface on the BGP device.

Network Protocol Manager for EIGRP (for IPv4 discovery only)


A routing-protocol domain that consists of one or more devices that are running EIGRP services.


An EIGRP protocol process that is running on a device.


A type of service access point that is defined for each EIGRP physical interface on the EIGRP device.

Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS (IPv4 and IPv6 discovery)


A group of contiguous IP subnets and attached hosts within an autonomous system that employs IS-IS routing.


An IS-IS protocol process that is running on a device.


A logical interface, associated with an underlying IP interface, that participates in the IS-IS protocol exchange.


A type of service access point that is defined for each IS-IS interface on the host device.

Network Protocol Manager for OSPF (IPv4 and IPv6 discovery)


A group of contiguous IP subnets and attached hosts within an autonomous system that employs OSPF routing.


An OSPF area as configured from the viewpoint of one of the devices that is running an OSPF service in the area.


An OSPF protocol process that is running on a device.

OSPFInterface 2

A logical interface, associated with an underlying IP interface, that participates in the OSPF protocol exchange.

OSPFVirtualInterface 2

A virtual interface, associated with an underlying IP interface, that participates in the OSPF protocol exchange.

OSPFNeighborEndpoint 2

A type of service access point that is defined for each OSPF interface on the host device.

OSPFVirtualNeighborEndpoint 2

A type of service access point that is defined for each OSPF virtual interface on the host device.

The probing of topology is accomplished by using the drivers in the .import files, which are located in the BASEDIR/smarts/conf/bgp|eigrp|isis|ospf directory in the Network Protocol Manager installation area. For example, the discovery process for Network Protocol Manager for BGP runs the drivers that are identified in the following .import files:

  • BASEDIR/smarts/conf/bgp/BGP.import

  • BASEDIR/smarts/conf/bgp/DISCOVERY_CUSTOM.import

    The main drivers for SNMP and CLI discovery are identified in the BGP.import, OSPF.import, EIGRP.import, and ISIS.import files. Custom drivers, also known as discovery hook scripts, are identified in the DISCOVERY_CUSTOM.import files. Chapter 3, “Using Discovery Hook Scripts,” provides information about the custom drivers.

    The main drivers performs preprocessing tasks (such as recording the time that discovery begins), launch the SNMP and CLI discovery, and perform postprocessing tasks.