In this example, a router that is running an IS-IS service goes down. The example assumes that the device has multiple physical interfaces that have multiple IS-IS interfaces, which means that the device supports multiple IS-IS adjacencies.
In this example, IP Availability Manager:
Diagnoses a Router Down problem.
Generates multiple Router Unresponsive events as impacts of the Router Down problem.
Generates a NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event as an impact of the Router Down problem.
Exports the Router Down problem, the multiple Router Unresponsive events, and the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event to the Global Manager.
Exports multiple NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event-type statuses and a NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event-type status to Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS.
Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS:
Receives the multiple Router Unresponsive event-type statuses from IP Availability Manager.
Receives the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event-type status from IP Availability Manager.
Detects alarming IS-IS adjacencies for which the Router Unresponsive event-type statuses are associated with the physical interfaces that are underlying the alarming IS-IS adjacencies.
As indicated in GUID-03D4DEAE-068A-4BD8-B4F0-EB4112535CD5.html#GUID-03D4DEAE-068A-4BD8-B4F0-EB4112535CD5___NPM_ISIS_USER_CROSS_COR_EVENT_79289, Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS perceives the Router Unresponsive event-type status as a problem-type status.
Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS then:
Generates multiple ISISAdjacency NeighborStateAlarm events.
Generates multiple Router Unresponsive problems.
Correlates each ISISAdjacency NeighborStateAlarm event with the associated Router Unresponsive problem and marks the event as an impact of the problem.
Exports the Router Unresponsive problems and the ISISAdjacency NeighborStateAlarm events to the Global Manager.
The Global Manager:
Receives the Router Down problem and the Router Unresponsive and NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping events from IP Availability Manager.
Receives the Router Unresponsive problems and the ISISAdjacency NeighborStateAlarm events from Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS.
Combines each Router Unresponsive event from IP Availability Manager with the identical Router Unresponsive problem from Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS to form one notification that has two sources.
Associates the multiple Router Unresponsive notifications as impacts of the Router Down notification.
Associates the multiple ISISAdjacency NeighborStateAlarm notifications from Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS as impacts of the Router Down notification.
Associates the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping notification from IP Availability Manager as an impact of the Router Down notification.
What follows is a summary of the notifications that are created for the Router Down problem, followed by a display in Notification Properties dialog box that shows a Router Down problem that shows how the Global Manager associates the network and IS-IS events as impacts of the Router Down problem:
IP Availability Manager events:
Problem: Router Down
Event (impact): Router Unresponsive, Router Unresponsive, ...
NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping
Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS events:
Problem: Router Unresponsive, Router Unresponsive, ...
Event (impact): ISISAdjacency NeighborStateAlarm,
ISISAdjacency NeighborStateAlarm, ...
Global Manager notifications:
Root cause: Router Down
Impacts: Router Unresponsive, Router Unresponsive, ...,
NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping, ISISAdjacency NeighborStateAlarm,
ISISAdjacency NeighborStateAlarm, ...
Chapter 2, Viewing IS-IS Analysis Results and Topology, provides instructions on viewing detailed notification information.