IS-IS failures, or apparent failures, that are detected by Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS cannot be analyzed in isolation. Rather, those failures must be correlated with the physical-transport failures that are detected by IP Availability Manager in order to determine the root-cause problem that is underlying all observed symptoms. Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS analyzes IS-IS and physical-transport failures to determine whether an IS-IS failure is indeed a root-cause problem, or simply a symptom (impact) of an underlying physical-transport root-cause problem.

When Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS detects an IS-IS failure, it checks for any physical-transport problem that might be causing the failure. If it does not find such a problem, Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS focuses its analysis on just the IS-IS domain and performs the root-cause analysis described in Chapter 3, “IS-IS Objects and their Failures.”

If it does find such a problem, Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS diagnoses the IS-IS failure as an impact and exports the underlying physical-transport problem and the IS-IS failure to the Global Manager. The Global Manager responds by adding the IS-IS failure as an impact of the underlying physical-transport root-cause problem.

IS-IS and global impact analysis shows the flow of information between the components in a Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS deployment to achieve IS-IS and global impact analysis.

Figure 1. IS-IS and global impact analysis

Status updates received from IP Availability Manager identifies the IP Availability Manager status updates to which Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS subscribes.

Table 1. Status updates received from IP Availability Manager


Problem-type status

Event-type status

1**Indentation indicates class hierarchy.

2**Perceived as a problem-type status by Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS.



NetworkAdapter   Interface 1   Port



NetworkConnection   Cable 1   TrunkCable

DownOrFlapping 2

UnitaryComputerSystem   Router 1   Switch   and so on

Unresponsive 2

Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS imports status information from IP Availability Manager through a remote (proxy) accessor, as shown in Remote accessor operation for Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS.

Figure 2. Remote accessor operation for Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS

“Update object attributes” in Figure 17 corresponds to “Status updates” in IS-IS and global impact analysis and in Status updates received from IP Availability Manager. Status updates represent changes to problem-type and event-type instrumentation attribute values.

Adding IP Availability Manager as a source to Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS causes Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS to import topology and status from the IP Availability Manager. The VMware Smart Assurance Network Protocol Manager Discovery Guide Supplement provides the instructions for completing this task.