Notifications Generated by the Optical Transport Manager lists the notifications generated by the Optical Transport Manager for low-order optical network elements and network connections in the SDH network.
Managed Element |
Notification |
Condition |
Card |
Down |
A card in a network element has failed. |
Equipment |
Down |
Equipment in a network element has failed. |
Down |
A PTP on a network card or equipment has failed. |
PTPHardFailureCondition |
A hard failure indication has been observed on this PTP. |
OpticalNetworkElement |
Down |
The EMS has lost management connection with the NE. |
DropSideTopologicalLink |
Down |
The drop side topological link is down. |
HighOrder_Trail |
TrailDown |
This facility is down. |
TrailAtRisk |
One element of a protection group is down. Communication continues, but without the security of redundancy. |
LowOrder_Circuit |
ServiceUnavailable |
This facility is down. May be a result of TransportOutgoingFail, TransportIncomingFail, or TransportFail. |
ServiceAtRisk |
One element of a protection group is down. Communication continues, but without the security of redundancy. |
The following sections describe the root-cause problems and related symptoms for optical network elements and network connections.