Band-multiplexers are used to combine two blocks of wavelengths on two separate fibers onto a single fiber. Band-multiplexers are not represented directly in the Optical Transport Manager for WDM because they do not have alarms raised on them. However, two groups of wavelengths combined on a single fiber are represented. The model represents the fiber between the band-multiplexer and band-demultiplexer ports as a FiberLink that has a LayeredOver relationship with the FiberLinks that connect the transmit and receive amplifiers for each band. These relationships distinguish between a problem on a fiber relating to a single band and a problem on the combined link.

Classes used to represent band-multiplexer/demultiplexer configuration shows the logical and physical relationships for Band- Multiplexer/Demultiplexer ports.

Figure 1. Classes used to represent band-multiplexer/demultiplexer configuration