The analysis of the XD Manager OTM to IP product correlates the events from IP Manager and the events from Optical Transport Manager to determine the true root cause of the failure and notifies the failure in SAM.
For example, a failure in a Fiber in the Optical Network may result in Router Interfaces on either or both ends of the Routers connected to the Circuit being reported as Down. Within IP Manager, the analysis will indicate a failure in the NetworkConnection. Within one of Optical Transport Manager’s domains, a FiberCut failure is notified to SAM. The XD Manager OTM to IP solution will correlate the fact that the NetworkConnection failure is caused by the FiberCut in the Optical circuit.
Red dotted lines in Figure 12 shows the path of alarms and notifications propagation among the components of XD Manager OTM to IP. These include the following:
OTM Domain managers - Each consists of a pair of servers: Topology server and Analysis server. Topology servers collect elements and monitor their health. Analysis servers find root-causes and forward them to XD Manager OTM to IP and to Service Assurance Manager.
IP discovers IP elements and monitors the IP domain. It forwards topology and notifications to XD Manager OTM to IP and SAM (Service Assurance Manager).
SAM (Service Assurance Manager) - Collects the alarms and notifications from all OTM Analysis servers, XD Manager OTM to IP, andIP Manager. SAM provides end-to-end root cause and impact analysis and displays events on the Global Console.
XD OTM-IP (XD Manager OTM to IP) - Contains overlapping elements from the Optical Transport Manager and IP Manager. It receives events, cross-correlate them, and forwards them to Service Assurance Manager.