The following topology object and their relationships are created by XD topology processing based on the cross-domain data.
ConnectedVia NetworkConnection
ConnectedVia Cable
ComposedOf Card, NetworkAdapter
NetworkConnection, Cable and TrunkCable (in the IP domain)
ConnectedTo Ports/IFs on Routers/Switches
LayeredOver Circuit
LayeredOver Cable
ConnectedSystems - two Routers, Switches
Cable (in the XD domain)
ConnectedTo Port/IF on Router or Switch (not connected to ONE)
LayeredOver DSTL
Underlying NetworkConnection
ConnectedSystems Router or Switch
ComposedOf Card (for DaughterCard BaseCard)
PartOf Router or Switch
Realizes Port, IF (Physical only)
NetworkAdapter (Port or Interface)
ConnectedVia NetworkConnection
ConnectedVia Cable
RealizedBy Card
PartOf Router or Switch
DropSideTopologicalLink or FiberLink
Underlying Cable
Underlying Circuit
FiberLink PeerLink - to associate the In and Out FiberLinks together
Circuit (HighOrder_Circuit, or ClientCircuit)
Underlying NetworkConnection
LayeredOver DSTL or FiberLink