To invoke the topology adapter:
tsm_adapter -s <xd_server_name> --field-separator="|" --output=otm-ip-topology-import.log --file=<xd_data_file> icxd-ao/otm-ip-topology-import.asls
Or, to invoke the topology adapter with an interface lookup script:
tsm_adapter -s <xd_server_name> --field-separator="|" -DAMHookScript=icxd-ao/otm-ip-if-hook.asl --output=otm-ip-topology-import.log --file=<xd_data_file> icxd-ao/otm-ip-topology-import.asls
“Interface Lookup Script� on page 21 provides details about using the interface lookup script.
There will be some log messages related to this in the otm-ip-topology-import.log file, but most of the log messages related to XD Topology Adapter processing are written to the XD server log file.