In Scenario 1, a single trap receiver listens for all traps from the network.
Do not use this scenario in a production environment! This scenario may be employed for test or debug purposes when forwarding small numbers of traps to the Adapter Platform and possibly one other manager such as IP Availability Manager.
In this scenario, you must edit the following files:
The InCharge/SAM/smarts/conf/icoi/trapd.conf file to indicate the port and hostnames to forward the traps to. “Configuring trapd.conf (trap exploder and trap receiver)” on page 53 provides more information.
If you plan to receive SNMPv3 traps from the network, you must edit a seed file as explained in “Editing seed files” on page 50 load SNMPv3 agent credentials.
Note:This trap receiver (ic-trapd-receiver) is the one that starts automatically if you install the SNMP Trap Adapter as a service. “Default sm_service parameters for the SNMP Trap Adapter” on page 79 provides more information.
The InCharge/SAM/smarts/conf/icoi/trap-mgr.conf file to convert traps to notifications and send them on to the Adapter Platform. “Configuring the SNMP Trap Adapter to forward notifications” on page 58 provides more information.
The ics-default.xml file to allow communication (forwarding of notifications) between the Adapter Platform and the Global Manager.