In Scenario 2, there are two trap receivers. The first trap receiver, referred to as the trap exploder, receives all traps from the network and selectively forwards only those traps that meet certain configuration requirements. This scenario is the recommended deployment scenario. It may be employed when a large volume of traps comes from the network and you need to send traps to multiple Domain Managers as well as to a second trap receiver associated with Adapter Platform.
To set up the trap exploder, configure the following files:
Edit BASEDIR/smarts/conf/trapd/trapd.conf and specify the port to forward traps to as well as the hostname of the Domain Managers and Adapter Platform. (BASEDIR may be either InCharge/IP/ or InCharge/SAM/. The same trapd.conf file is shipped with both products.) “Configuring trapd.conf (trap exploder and trap receiver)” on page 53 provides more information.
If you plan to receive SNMPv3 traps from the network, you must edit a seed file as explained in “Editing seed files” on page 50 in order to load SNMPv3 agent credentials.
Copy this seed file to the BASEDIR/smarts/conf/trapd path in the product (IP or SAM) where the trap exploder is running. For example, to start the trap exploder from the Service Assurance Manager:
tIncharge/SAM/smarts/bin>sm_trapd --port=162 --rules=default --name=TRAP_EXPLODER --seed=seedfiles
With SAM 9.2, the behaviour of sm_trapd option, --rules=default is changed so that it will no longer log received traps by default.
To enable logging of received traps, follow the procedure:
Goto BASEDIR/smarts/rules/trapd and type the following command to edit the trapParse.asl file:
./sm_edit <BASEDIR>/smarts/rules/trapd/trapParse.asl
Type the following command to change the setting of debug from FALSE to TRUE on line 25 in the trapParse.asl file:
debug = TRUE; /* Set to TRUE to enable printing of trap data */
Save the modified file and then restart sm_trapd.
To start the trap exploder as a service you must carry out a manual step in which you need to ensure the name is unique.
For example:
Note:t s indicates the command must be typed as one line. Type the command from the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory for the Service Assurance Manager product.
t /InCharge/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_service install --force --unmanaged --startmode=runonce --description="VMware Smart Assurace SNMP Trap Exploder Server" --name=trap_exp /InCharge/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_trapd --name=TRAP_EXPLODER --config=trapd --port=162 --sport=9180 --seed=seedfile --rules=default --output s
To configure the second trap receiver (associated with Adapter Platform), edit both files listed below:
InCharge/SAM/smarts/conf/icoi/trapd.conf, as described in “Configuring trapd.conf (trap exploder and trap receiver)” on page 53.
InCharge/SAM/smarts/conf/icoi/trap-mgr.conf file, as described in “Configuring the SNMP Trap Adapter to forward notifications” on page 58.
Start the trap receiver associated with the Adapter Platform as a service (if not already installed as a service). “Default sm_service parameters for the SNMP Trap Adapter” on page 79 provides more information.