The configuration options for an automated tool are specified as arguments to the sm_adapter program when you invoke it at the command line. Arguments to sm_adapter for automated action lists the arguments you should specify when invoking an automated tool.

Table 1. Arguments to sm_adapter for automated action


Default value




The name of the Global Manager from which the adapter receives its notification list and notifications.



Name of the notification list received from the Global Manager.



Name of the tool as specified in the Global Manager Administration Console. This is the tool to invoke when a notification is active. This argument is optional.



Name of the tool as specified in the Global Manager Administration Console. This is the tool to invoke when the notification clears. This argument is optional.



Specifies whether the adapter should log each action to stdout. This argument is optional.



Redirects the output from the adapter to a log file in BASEDIR/smarts/local/logs. The --DLogActions argument must be true to enable output.



Script required to perform the automated action.

The following example shows the arguments for the automatic action adapter that invokes the “Open Trouble Ticket” script when a notification becomes active (is notified) and invokes the “Close Trouble Ticket” tool when the notification becomes inactive (clears):

t BASEDIR/smarts/bin/sm_adapter   --server=INCHARGE-SA \
    --subscribe=TicketingNL/n  \
   -DNotifyAction="Open Trouble Ticket"  \
   -DClearAction="Close Trouble Ticket"  \
   -DLogActions=TRUE  \
   --output  \
   ../rules/ics/auto-action.asl s