HyperNotif Statistics is a debug tool that reports two specific kind of notification data, namely Client Statistics and Server Statistics.

  • Client Statistics — With respect to a Service Assurance Manager server, Client Statistics provides the notification data statistics for notifications received from the underlying Service Assurance Manager server.


    If the underlying Domain Manager is not a Service Assurance Manager 8.0 or later, then the data will not be available as there are no HyperNotif transactions. In such cases, use the debug tool dmdebug ---queues.

  • Server Statistics — With respect to a Service Assurance Manager server, Server Statistics provides notification data statistics for notifications sent to each of the HyperNotif client connected to the Service Assurance Manager server. The HyperNotif Client can be:

    • Service Assurance Manager Console

    • Service Assurance Manager (Presentation server), under which lies this Service Assurance Manager (Aggregate server).