The Recipients Editor dialog box enables you to create a list of people to receive email or pager actions.
To open the Recipients Editor dialog box, select Edit > Recipients or click Configuration in an open Mail Action or Pager Action dialog box.
The Recipients Editor dialog box is divided into four sections:
Manager section lists the Manager for the recipients. If you are attached to multiple Managers, select one.
Current Recipients section lists the recipients for a selected Manager. To delete an entry from the list, select it and click Delete. (To select multiple entries, press Ctrl while making your selections.) Click OK to apply your changes.
The Recipient Information section is where you add new recipients to the list or change existing information.
Mail server and Sender e-mail address section. The information in this section must be correct in order to successfully send email. You can change the mail server name and email address:
The Mail server field must be set to the hostname where the mail services are running and should match the value specified by your system administrator in the Service Assurance Manager’s configuration. The default value is localhost.
If you specify a mail server name in the Recipients Editor dialog box that is different from the configuration value, the value in the dialog box temporarily overrides the configuration value. To change the name permanently, contact your administrator.
The Sender email address field identifies the operator who is sending the email. By default, it displays your email information.