By default, different kinds of maps are displayed with different color backgrounds. Default map background colors shows the default map background colors.

Table 1. Default map background colors

Background color

Type of map

Light blue background

Physical Connectivity and Group Physical Connectivity maps

Light yellow background

IP Connectivity and Group IP Connectivity maps

Light green background

VLAN Connectivity and Group VLAN Connectivity maps

Beige background

IP Membership, VLAN Membership, and Group Membership maps

Yellow background

Business Services maps

Purple background

Applications maps


You can set a parameter, com.smarts.mapBackgroundColor, to customize the background color. When the com.smarts.mapBackgroundColor property is specified, all maps display the specified background color. When a map is saved, the background color is not included in the saved information. “Command syntax for the -D option” on page 151 contains additional information.