By default, different kinds of maps are displayed with different color backgrounds. Default map background colors shows the default map background colors.
Background color |
Type of map |
Light blue background |
Physical Connectivity and Group Physical Connectivity maps |
Light yellow background |
IP Connectivity and Group IP Connectivity maps |
Light green background |
VLAN Connectivity and Group VLAN Connectivity maps |
Beige background |
IP Membership, VLAN Membership, and Group Membership maps |
Yellow background |
Business Services maps |
Purple background |
Applications maps |
You can set a parameter, com.smarts.mapBackgroundColor, to customize the background color. When the com.smarts.mapBackgroundColor property is specified, all maps display the specified background color. When a map is saved, the background color is not included in the saved information. “Command syntax for the -D option” on page 151 contains additional information.