The installed file tree for the Topology Split Manager is shown in Topology Split Manager file tree and described in Topology Split Manager files.

Figure 1. Topology Split Manager file tree
Table 1. Topology Split Manager files



Files in rules/discovery/topo-split directory

Topo-split scripts on Topology Split Manager:

  • topo-split-init.asl

  • topo-split-import.asl

  • topo-split.asl

  • topo-split-output-seeds.asl

  • topo-split-output-seeds-AM.asl

  • topo-split-report.asl

  • topo-split-trial-hook.asl

  • topo-split-sync.asl

  • topo-split-sync-edge.asl

  • topo-split-sync-AM.asl

  • topo-split-hook.asl

  • topo-split-override-polling-system.asl

  • topo-split-hook-AM.asl

Topo-split scripts on IP Availability Manager:

  • ic-post-topo-management.asl

  • ic-override-polling-post-processor.asl

  • ic-ts-manage-proxy-post-processor.asl

  • ic-manage-hsrp-post-processor.asl

Scripts that the Topology Split Manager runs when performing a topology split. Which scripts run depends on which of the following features are enabled for the topology split:

  • Operating mode: normal or trial learning mode

  • Automatic topology synchronization

  • Edge management

  • TSM hook script

The rules/discovery/topo-split directory also contains scripts that a domain’s IP Availability Manager runs when automatic topology synchronization, edge management, and the TSM hook script are enabled.

Files in conf/discovery/topo-split directory


Configuration file that a user edits to control the topology-split operation.


Configuration file that a user edits to specify the names of the domains into which the topology will be split.

Files in conf/discovery directory






Configuration files that a user edits to control Topology Split Manager discovery.

Files in conf/icf directory


Bootstrap file for the Topology Split Manager.

Files in conf/custom directory


Text file in which a user specifies a list of devices that the user wants the IP Availability Managers to poll at a one-minute interval.

Files in local/logs directory

Server log file

Example: INCHARGE_TSM.log

A server log in which startup, progression, and error messages are written for the Topology Split Manager.

seedfile-<AM1 name>-<date>, ..., seedfile-<AMn>-<date>

Example: seedfile-AM001-1138291391

Seed files that are created for a full or incremental topology split when the Topology Split Manager is operating in normal mode.

Each seed file contains the split topology (devices) for an IP Availability Manager.

<TSM name>.trials.csv

Example: INCHARGE-TSM.trials.csv

A comma-separated values (csv) report file that is created for a full topology split when the Topology Split Manager is operating in trial learning mode.

For each successful full topology split during a trial learning mode invocation, the Topology Split Manager adds a row of data to the report file.

Existing data is removed from the <TSM name>.trials.csv file at the beginning of each new invocation of trial learning mode.

Files in local/logs/<TSM name>.trial.<num> directory

<TSM name>.rpsExample:INCHARGE-TSM.rps

seedfile-<AM1 name>, ..., seedfile-<AMn>Example:seedfile-AM001



Repository snapshot file, seed files, and csv report files that are created for a full topology split when the Topology Split Manager is operating in trial learning mode.

For each successful full topology split during a trial learning mode invocation, the Topology Split Manager creates a new set of files and a new <TSM name>.trial.<num> directory into which to store the files.

Existing <TSM name>.trial.<num> directories are removed at the beginning of each new invocation of trial learning mode.

Files in local/repos/icf directory

Repository file

Example: INCHARGE-TSM.repos

A repository file in which the repository of the Topology Split Manager is stored.