VoIP Availability Manager provides the following threshold group categories:

  • Call Manager Thresholds

  • Call Processor Thresholds

  • CallManager Redundancy Group Thresholds

  • DS1 Service Thresholds

  • Gateway Service Thresholds

  • H323 Gate Keeper Thresholds

  • H323 Service Thresholds

  • IP Phone Thresholds

  • Signaling Redundancy Group Thresholds

  • Signaling Service Thresholds

  • VoiceMail Application Thresholds

  • VoIP Clusters Thresholds

    Each category contains one or more default threshold groups.


    In your Polling and Threshold Console, the threshold categories, groups, and settings that appear will vary depending on the installed VoIP Management Suite products (the VoIP Performance Manager Integration Pack and enablement packs).

    One point to note about the tables that follow: Only a discovered object of the target type (or one of its subclasses) and matching the matching-criteria attribute(s) for a particular threshold group becomes a member of that group.

    For example, for the Nortel CallManagers Configuration group, only a discovered object of type “VoIPNetworkService” (or one of its subclasses) with attribute

    Vendor = NORTEL and attribute CreationClassName = CallManager becomes a member of the group.

    You can specify additional matching criteria for a threshold group to limit its membership, as explained in “Editing matching criteria” on page 125.