To replace an IP Availability Manager source named INCHARGE-AM with one named EAST-AM1:
Go to the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory in the VoIP Availability Manager installation area and issue the following command to open the domain.conf file:
sm_edit conf/voip/domain.conf
Find the following five lines:
InChargeDomain::InChargeDomain_INCHARGE-AM { Type = “AM” DomainName = “INCHARGE-AM” }
Change the two instances of INCHARGE-AM to EAST-AM1:
InChargeDomain::InChargeDomain_EAST-AM1 { Type = “AM” DomainName = “EAST-AM1” }
Save and close the file. The modified version of the domain.conf file is saved to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/voip directory.
Issue the following command from BASEDIR/smarts/bin to stop VoIP Availability Manager:
sm_service stop ic-voip-server --force
Issue the following command from BASEDIR/smarts/bin to start VoIP Availability Manager:
sm_service start ic-voip-server --force
At startup, VoIP Availability Manager responds by:
Reading the domain.conf file.
Saving the configuration information in its repository.
Removing all device objects and their containment objects previously imported from INCHARGE-AM.
Importing all device objects—or just those in the VoIP topology collection set—and their containment objects from EAST-AM1 and adding the objects to its repository.