The VoIP Availability Manager with the Avaya Enablement Pack displays various default notification attributes for events.

Default notification attributes lists the default notification attributes.

Table 1. Default notification attributes

Notification attribute



Automatically acknowledge this event if it is cleared for this interval 0 means never autoAcknowledge.


Category of this event. The event category represents a broad categorization of the event, for example, availability against performance.


The certainty of this event. Defaults to 100.


Class name of the object where this event occurred. This attribute along with InstanceName and EventName uniquely identify this event.


Display name for the event class. Defaults to ClassName.


Indicates if this event should be cleared when it is acknowledged. Set this to TRUE only for events that do not expire nor have sources that generate a clear. Defaults to FALSE.


A textual description of the object. Defaults to “ ”.


The string shown in the GUI when this object is displayed. Defaults to Name.


Name of the event. This attribute along with ClassName and InstanceName uniquely identify this event.


Display name for the event Name. Defaults to EventName.


The textual representation of the event.


Indicates the nature of the event. A MOMENTARY event has no duration. An authentication failure is a good example. A DURABLE event has a period during which the event is active and after which the event is no longer active. An example of a durable event is a link failure.

(Possible values: DURABLE, MOMENTARY).


Instance name of the object where this event occurred. This attribute along with ClassName and EventName uniquely identify this event.


Display name for the event instance. Defaults to InstanceName.


The element the indication is associated with. Setting this value causes ElementClassName and ElementName to be set appropriately.


This table maps an original source to corresponding immediate sources.


Name of external server used for imported events and instrumented attributes.


An enumerated value that describes the severity of the event from the notifier's point of view: 1—Critical is used to indicate action is needed NOW and the scope is broad, for example, an outage to a critical resource. 2—Major is used to indicate action is needed NOW. 3—Minor should be used to indicate action is needed, but the situation is not serious at this time. 4—Unknown indicates that the element is unreachable, disconnected or in an otherwise unknown state. 5—Normal is used when an event is purely informational. Default = 5.


The name(s) of the domain(s) that have originally diagnosed and notified—directly or indirectly—current occurrences of this event. If there are more than one original domain, the attribute lists each separated by a comma. When the notification is cleared, the last clearing domain stays in the value.


Trouble ticket ID. Defaults to "".


Ten user defined fields. Each field defaults to "".