The VoIP Availability Manager with the Cisco Enablement Pack displays various default notification attributes for events. Default notification attributes lists the default attributes.
Notification attribute |
Description |
AutoAcknowledgmentInterval |
Automatically acknowledge this event if it is cleared for this interval 0 means never autoAcknowledge. |
Category |
Category of this event. The event category represents a broad categorization of the event, e.g. availability vs. performance. |
Certainty |
The certainty of this event. Defaults to 100. |
ClassName |
Class name of the object where this event occurred. This attribute along with InstanceName and EventName uniquely identify this event. |
ClassDisplayName |
Display name for the event class. Defaults to ClassName. |
ClearOnAcknowledge |
Indicates if this event should be cleared when it is acknowledged. Set this to TRUE only for events that do not expire nor have sources that generate a clear. Defaults to FALSE. |
Description |
A textual description of the object. Defaults to “ ”. |
DisplayName |
The string shown in the GUI when this object is displayed. Defaults to Name. |
EventName |
Name of the event. This attribute along with ClassName and InstanceName uniquely identify this event. |
EventDisplayName |
Display name for the event Name. Defaults to EventName. |
EventText |
The textual representation of the event. |
EventType |
Indicates the nature of the event. A MOMENTARY event has no duration. An authentication failure is a good example. A DURABLE event has a period during which the event is active and after which the event is no longer active. An example of a durable event is a link failure. (Possible values: DURABLE, MOMENTARY). |
InstanceName |
Instance name of the object where this event occurred. This attribute along with ClassName and EventName uniquely identify this event. |
InstanceDisplayName |
Display name for the event instance. Defaults to InstanceName. |
OccurredOn |
The element the indication is associated with. Setting this value causes ElementClassName and ElementName to be set appropriately. |
OriginalSources |
This table maps an original source to corresponding immediate sources. |
ServiceName |
Name of external server used for imported events and instrumented attributes. |
Severity |
An enumerated value that describes the severity of the event from the notifier's point of view: 1 - Critical is used to indicate action is needed NOW and the scope is broad, e.g. an outage to a critical resource. 2 - Major is used to indicate action is needed NOW. 3 - Minor should be used to indicate action is needed, but the situation is not serious at this time. 4 - Unknown indicates that the element is unreachable, disconnected or in an otherwise unknown state. 5 - Normal is used when an event is purely informational. Default = 5. |
SourceDomainName |
The name(s) of the domain(s) that have originally diagnosed and notified - directly or indirectly - current occurrences of this event. If there are more than one original domain, the attribute lists each separated by a comma. When the notification is cleared, the last clearing domain stays in the value. |
TroubleTicketID |
Trouble ticket ID. Defaults to "". |
UserDefined1-UserDefined10 |
Ten user defined fields. Each field defaults to "". |