If you configure Internet Explorer as your browser of choice, as explained in the VMware Smart Assurance VoIP Availability Manager Configuration Guide, you can invoke one VoIP client tool after another without closing the browser instance opened by the previously invoked client tool. Each invocation of a VoIP client tool opens another web browser instance, which establishes a new session with VoIP Performance Manager.

If you configure Mozilla or Mozilla Firefox as your browser of choice, you must close the web browser instance opened by the previously invoked client tool before invoking another client tool. Otherwise, you will receive the following error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Already connected from this browser

The reason for this error is that instead of opening another web browser instance for each VoIP client tool invocation, Mozilla or Mozilla Firefox attempts to establish a new session with VoIP Performance Manager using the web browser instance opened by the previously invoked client tool.

During a session with VoIP Performance Manager using any web browser, be it Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, or Mozilla Firefox, you will receive this same error message if you try to open a link in a new window or open a new tab, for the same reason previously stated. To avoid this error, use a web browser to log in just once to VoIP Performance Manager. Then, use the navigation within the VoIP Performance Manager interface to view other pages, instead of changing the URL to view other pages.