Parameters are generalized attributes that can be applied to the RegEx (regular expressions) to be used in either the Scope tab or the Rule tab within the Automation Library Editor. Most tests within the Samples folder contain parameters you can easily substitute for values whenever you want to run the test.

When you have reviewed the various categories in Samples, and selected a test to execute against certain devices within your network to determine compliance, you must view and work within the Automation Library Editor.

Note: To view the parameters (if applicable) for this test, continue with the Parameters tab of the Automation Library Editor. If there are Parameters associated with this test, they are displayed in this tab. If not, the Parameters tab does not display. The descriptive information contained within the Parameters tab is read-only.

In order to use or customize a test, you must first copy the sample of the test from the Library Manager section, and then place the copy of the test within the Automation Library, or anywhere within your Network.

Note: Parameters are not needed for Standards or Policies.