Application events lists the notifications that Server Manager issues for events relating to monitored application processes

Table 1. Application events




Indicates a missing application process.


Indicates a process count above or below the configured threshold for the specific process.


Indicates that an application process is down.


Indicates that the current value of processor utilization for the process has exceeded the processor utilization threshold.

If the SmoothingForHighCPUUtilization threshold is set to a non-zero value, this event is notified only when the CPU utilization exceeds the CPU utilization threshold and the utilization stays exceeded for the specified number of seconds.


Indicates that the current value of memory utilization for the process has exceeded the memory utilization threshold.

If the SmoothingForHighMemoryUtilization threshold is set to a non-zero value, this event is notified only when the Memory utilization exceeds the Memory utilization threshold and the utilization stays exceeded for the specified number of seconds.


Refer to the Containment view of the class instances to obtain the current status if you notice inconsistencies between ESM and Service Assurance Manager.

The MissingProcess and CountThresholdViolated notifications participate in impact analysis. For example, if the Host is down, instead of providing multiple MissingProcess notifications for each application, the Server Manager generates a single Host Down notification.

In the Notification Properties box, the Impact tab for that notification indicates the affected processes.

Additional events are generated for the Application class if the host is configured appropriately. For these events to be computed, the following settings on the host need to be enabled: the Performance Analysis setting and the TopProcessConsumerEventMode threshold in the Service Process Performance Setting. The events provide the top set of processes that are consuming CPU/Memory the most on the system.

Table 2. Application events when TopProcessConsumerEventMode is enabled for the host




Indicates the top set of processes that are consuming CPU on this host system.

This event for Application is generated only when the ProcessorGroup::HighUtilization event is active for the host.


Indicates the top set of processes that are consuming memory on this host system.

This event for Application is generated only when MemoryGroup::InsufficientFreeMemory is active for the host.

The Server Manager computes the TopCPUConsumers event and the TopMemoryConsumers event by analyzing the CPU or memory utilization at an individual process level. If multiple instances of the same application are running on the host, they are treated as different processes.