Following are the required and optional command line script parameters:


Avoid using the following special characters when entering text strings for <OldGroupName> and <NewGroupName>: $ / \

Table 1. script command line options






Indicates that the service needs to be installed.

  • This parameter must be used with the --old-group, --new-group, and --basedir parameters.

  • If the services are not installed, they are installed.

  • If services are already installed, they are uninstalled and reinstalled with the NewGroupName.



-o "<OldGroupName>"

A required value that specifies the old group name to be changed.

  • You must include the OldGroupName variable string in double quotes.

  • This parameter must be used with the --new-group and --basedir parameters.

  • If services are running, will terminate without doing anything.



-n "<NewGroupName>"

A required value that specifies the new group name.

  • You must include the NewGroupName variable string in double quotes.

  • This parameter must be used with the --old-group and --basedir parameters.

  • If services are running, will terminate without doing anything.




A required value which specifies the installation base directory.

  • This parameter must be used with the --old-group and --new-group parameters.

  • If services are running, will terminate without doing anything.




Indicates that you want to see the current group names, services and Domain Manager names.

  • With this option, no changes are made to either the service or the configuration file.

  • This parameter must be used with the --basedir parameter.




--help or -h shows command line parameters and examples.

This parameter is used alone.


The order of the parameters is not important.

Always include the BASEDIR of the installed services in the command line. The only instances where you do not have to include it is when using the Help (-h) option.

Following are the steps that the script performs once invoked:

  1. If the local directory BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/mpls-tma does not already exist, it is created and a copy of the original mpls-tma.conf file from the BASEDIR/smarts/conf/mpls-tma directory is copied to it.

  2. If a service corresponding to the <OldGroupName> is installed, the following process is initiated:

  3. If the service is running and the user command line argument is not -s or --show, the script displays an error message and exits. You must stop the services before you can rename them.

  4. If the service is not running and the Service Daemon is running, then the script uninstalls the service for the current <OldGroupName>, installs the service for the <NewGroupName>, then continues to step 4.

  5. If the service is not running and the Service Daemon is not running, then the script displays a warning that there is potential for mismatch, uninstalls the service for the current <OldGroupName>, installs the service for the <NewGroupName>, then continues to step 4.

  6. If a service corresponding to the <OldGroupName> is not installed, the following process is initiated:

  7. If the installation option (--i or -install-service) is not specified, the scripts does not install the service.

  8. If the installation option (--i or -install-service) is specified and if the Service Daemon is running, the script installs the service corresponding to the <NewGroupName>.

  9. If the installation option (--i or -install-service) is specified and if the Service Daemon is not running, the script warns you that you must start it and exits without further action.

  10. After step 2 or step 3 are performed, the script copies the previous local configuration file to a backup file named .<OldGroupName><.bak>

  11. The script then replaces the <OldGroupName> with <NewGroupName> in BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/mpls-tma/mpls-tma.conf and terminates.