With the current design of IP Address Pools, you can:

  • Add IP Addresses to a block

  • Insert a description of the pool

  • Delete an existing IP Address from the block

The ability to add an IP Address to an existing block uses the same instructions as provided in the Adding IP Address Pools topic.

To edit the IP Address Pool description,

  1. From the menu bar, select Tools -> System Administration.

  2. Next, select Network -> Address Pools. The Address Pools List window opens. All existing IP Address Pools are listed.

  3. At the bottom of the window, click Edit.

    The Address Pool window opens.

  4. Make any changes needed, then click OK.

To remove an IP Address Pool from a block,

  1. Open the Network IP Address Pool list.

  2. At the bottom of the window, click Edit. The Address Pool window opens.

  3. From the list of IP Address within the pool, select the pool you want deleted.

  4. Click Remove. The window updates.

  5. When finished, click OK. The Address Pool window closes.