This section illustrates the 10.1 upgrade procedure.
<BASEDIR>/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <ESM-DOMAIN-NAME> invoke ICF_PersistentDataSet::VCOTopologyCollectorInstanceIds get
- Stop ESM server.
- Upgrade to DCF 10.1.x.
Refer Performing Upgrade for more details.
- If VeloCloud collector instances are already existing in DCF, recreate Kafka topics.
To recreate Kafka topics:
- Ensure /config/ file has "delete.topic.enable=true"
- Execute the following commands, and wait for one minute:
export KAFKA_OPTS="<KAFKA_HOME>/config/ zookeeper_jaas.conf" <KAFKA_HOME>/bin/ --zookeeper <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST1_IPADDRESS>:2181 <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST2_IPADDRESS>:2181 <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST3_IPADDRESS>:2181 --delete --topic <discovery topic name>
- Run the following command, and wait for one minute:
<KAFKA_HOME>/bin/ --zookeeper <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST1_IPADDRESS>:2181 <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST2_IPADDRESS>:2181 <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST3_IPADDRESS>:2181 --delete --topic <monitoring topic name>
- Execute the following command to ensure the successful deletion of the topics mentioned in steps b and d. The command does not list any topic if the deletion is successful.
- Execute the command:
export KAFKA_OPTS="<KAFKA_HOME>/config/ kafka_server_jaas.conf"
- Run the command, and wait for 30 seconds:
<KAFKA_HOME>/bin/ --create --zookeeper <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST1_IPADDRESS>:2181 <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST2_IPADDRESS>:2181 <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST3_IPADDRESS>:2181 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 -- topic <Discovery Topic Name>
- The value for --replication-factor must be equal to number of nodes in the cluster.
- At present, only 1 partition is supported per topic.
- Execute the command, and wait for 30 seconds:
<KAFKA_HOME>/bin/ --create --zookeeper <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST1_IPADDRESS>:2181 <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST2_IPADDRESS>:2181 <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST3_IPADDRESS>:2181 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 -- <topic <Monitoring Topic Name>
- The value for --replication-factor should be equal to number of nodes in the cluster.
- At present, only 1 partition is supported per topic.
- Upgrade to ESM 10.1.x.
Refer VMware Smart Assurance Installation Guide for SAM, IP, ESM, MPLS, NPM, OTM, ACM, MCAST and VoIP Managers for upgrade details.
- Start ESM.
- Delete old collectors and run the following command for each of the collector ids reported in the dmctl command:
dmctl -s <ESM-DOMAIN-NAME> invoke ICF_PersistentDataSet::VCOTopologyCollectorInstanceIds get curl -k --user <dcf-user>:<dcf-password> --request POST --url https://<dcf-host>:8443/dcc/v1/runtime/blocks/<collector-id>/service/stop curl -k --user <dcf-user>:<dcf-password> --request DELETE --url https://<dcf-host>:8443/dcc/v1/catalog/blocks/<collector-id>
Note: Replace the dcf-user, dcf-password, dcf-host, collector-id (collect ids returned in the dmctl output) with proper value. - Go to following section, and perform the configuration:
- In the Domain Manager Administration Console, select your ESM server, and select Topology > Discover All.