This section illustrates the 10.1 upgrade procedure.


If VCO is already existing in the topology, run the following command to find all the VeloCloud instances:

<BASEDIR>/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <ESM-DOMAIN-NAME> invoke ICF_PersistentDataSet::VCOTopologyCollectorInstanceIds get


  1. Stop ESM server.
  2. Upgrade to DCF 10.1.x.
    Refer Performing Upgrade for more details.
  3. If VeloCloud collector instances are already existing in DCF, recreate Kafka topics.
    To recreate Kafka topics:
    1. Ensure /config/ file has "delete.topic.enable=true"
    2. Execute the following commands, and wait for one minute:
      export KAFKA_OPTS="<KAFKA_HOME>/config/
      <KAFKA_HOME>/bin/ --zookeeper
      <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST3_IPADDRESS>:2181 --delete --topic <discovery topic name>
    3. Run the following command, and wait for one minute:
      <KAFKA_HOME>/bin/ --zookeeper
      <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST3_IPADDRESS>:2181 --delete --topic <monitoring topic name>
    4. Execute the following command to ensure the successful deletion of the topics mentioned in steps b and d. The command does not list any topic if the deletion is successful.
      <KAFKA_HOME>/bin/ --zookeeper
    5. Execute the command:
      export KAFKA_OPTS="<KAFKA_HOME>/config/
    6. Run the command, and wait for 30 seconds:
      <KAFKA_HOME>/bin/ --create --zookeeper
      <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST3_IPADDRESS>:2181 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 --
      topic <Discovery Topic Name>
      • The value for --replication-factor must be equal to number of nodes in the cluster.
      • At present, only 1 partition is supported per topic.
    7. Execute the command, and wait for 30 seconds:
      <KAFKA_HOME>/bin/ --create --zookeeper
      <KAFKA_CLUSTER_HOST3_IPADDRESS>:2181 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 --
      <topic <Monitoring Topic Name>
      • The value for --replication-factor should be equal to number of nodes in the cluster.
      • At present, only 1 partition is supported per topic.
  4. Upgrade to ESM 10.1.x.
    Refer VMware Smart Assurance Installation Guide for SAM, IP, ESM, MPLS, NPM, OTM, ACM, MCAST and VoIP Managers for upgrade details.
  5. Start ESM.
  6. Delete old collectors and run the following command for each of the collector ids reported in the dmctl command:
    dmctl -s <ESM-DOMAIN-NAME> invoke ICF_PersistentDataSet::VCOTopologyCollectorInstanceIds get
    curl -k --user <dcf-user>:<dcf-password> --request POST --url https://<dcf-host>:8443/dcc/v1/runtime/blocks/<collector-id>/service/stop
    curl -k --user <dcf-user>:<dcf-password> --request DELETE --url  https://<dcf-host>:8443/dcc/v1/catalog/blocks/<collector-id>
    Note: Replace the dcf-user, dcf-password, dcf-host, collector-id (collect ids returned in the dmctl output) with proper value.
  7. Go to following section, and perform the configuration:
  8. In the Domain Manager Administration Console, select your ESM server, and select Topology > Discover All.