Before executing the test the first time, you must define all the Queries in the test, and then the Test itself, using the “Save” button on both the Query Form editor and the Test editor.

To try the test against a Device, first execute the “Devices” Query (any Query which returns Devices with a DeviceId in the result set will do). Highlight a row in the Result Set to select the Device, as illustrated in Previewing and debugging.

Figure 1. Previewing and debugging

This selects the Device the test will be executed against for the preview.

Next, go to the System Navigation tree and right-click on the test’s name, then select “Run Test”, or alternately hit the “Preview” button in the test editor. The Primary Query’s Result Set will display, as illustrated in Primary query result set.

Figure 2. Primary query result set

The appearance of the color highlighted rows indicates the Test failed, and the nature of the failure:

  • Red rows are result set rows that need to be removed from the result set.

  • Green rows are generated rows that need to be added to the result set.

    Additionally, there is an automatically generated first column called “Failure Reason” that gives an indication for any highlighted row the nature of the failure.

    Referring back to the Must Contain rules, the first line is in error because the first rule specifies the SrcIpAddress as instead of That causes a proposed remedy of deleting the first ACL rule, and instead substituting a new first rule containing the corrected IP address as


    The “Wildcard” row in the Must Contain rules matched rule 30 which had a source address of

    You can manually add a Query variable reference within one of the cells of the Must Contain Rule list. If the variable resolves to a single value, it will be used as the value that the rule matches. If the variable resolves to a list of values, the rule will be deemed to match if the result set matches any of the values contained in the variable’s list. To insert a variable into the cell, enclosed the variable name like this: ${variableName} (precede it with a dollar sign and open curley bracket, and follow it with a closing curly bracket).